Update 09.11
- Added bind for switching passive / active mode of summons: LShift + R (old combinations also remained)
- Fixed bug with Creole in chapter 7
- Added a new option bKillZSpyDebug = 1 to gothic.ini, it completely disables the generation of debug messages in the engine (zSpy), this can increase your FPS in such busy places as Onar's town and farm, on average, an increase of 1-3 fps. Also, this setting has been added to the "Optimization"
- Swamp grass schools can now be made on the alchemy table too
- Fixed some errors in the text of the game
- Now, the magician's spells do not hit the summoned creatures, they pass through so that the summons do not interfere
- Fixed a bug, the option to turn off the numerical value of the health of opponents did not work
- Added a button to change the flow of in-game time (acceleration, similar to CheatEngine speedhack).
Activation takes place in Gothic.ini, option bToggleWorldTimeAcceleration. Disabled by default.
The speed changes occur after pressing the key, by default Z. Time accelerates three times (default). After pressing the key again, the time returns to normal.
It is possible to change the activation key and the acceleration factor. Settings in Gothic.ini:
ActivationKey = Z
AccelerationRatio = 3
Those who play on SoC should change the key, because Z is for in-game stats
Dodali speehacka
