Hi everyone \o
I'm Vic7im, the creator of the mod called Requiem. First off, sorry if I speak in English.
I wanted to say that I love the attention this mod is getting from your community, and wanted to personally thank you for the support (even translators, wow!)
I will leave you a video here as proof that I'm the real one:
www.youtube.com/watch?v=92Mo2u60ITg&feature=youtu.beIt shows two new features, the critical hits and the last stand. The first one is self-explainatory, I have managed to reintroduce the critical strikes from Gothic1, with a twist (2h Maces will knock the opponent down, for example).
The second one is an "enrage" effect you get when you reach 25% health. Every class has its own, this one is the Dragon Hunters enrage effect. Player sound effects (pain, critical and death sounds) will change depending the path you choose.
I personally think that Dragon Hunters are the closest thing to barbarians, so I decided to give the player Ragnar's sounds, from Rune. Paladins and Mages will also have additional sounds and unique music tracks during the game.
I am also looking for GOOD scripters for a little help with a problem I'm having with NPC's and shields/dual weapons (I can't get NPCs to wear them). If anyone is interested, please contact me here/on moddb/on youtube.