jak w temacie zestaw patchy do g1 i g2nk autorstwa IronKeep Studio, opis zmian znajduje się w instalce (po angielsku)
http://www.sendspace.pl/file/2f93340c56c491c0a8f0c42jak spolszczyć patche:
2. Otworzyć następujący katalog: _work/Data/Scripts/Content/Cutscene.
3. Znależć ou.bin plik i zmienić nazwę na ou.bin.bak.
4. Zainstalować Patch.
5. Skasować zainstalowany plik ou.bin.
6. Zmienić ponownie nazwę ou.bin.bak na ou.bin.
opis patcha do g1
__Patch v 1.0__
- Silas will permanently trade with the player.
- "The Weed Mixer" quest can now be completed even if the player kills Jacko and/or his cohorts.
- It is no longer possible to have Mordrag escort you to the New Camp if you forcibly threw him out of the Old Camp.
- Bloodwyn & Jackal will not harass you for protection money after Chapter 2.
- "The Weed Delivery" quest no longer remains open after delivering the Ore to Cor Kalom, also does not close "The Weed Mixer" Quest.
- It is no longer possible to bribe Thorus after you obtain an audience with Gomez through Diego.
- NPCs will not get up instantly after being knocked unconscious.
- Buster no longer teaches Acrobatics after the skill is gained.
- In the "New Souls for the Brotherhood" quest, it is no longer possible to reload the game and continue bribing the guard.
- Bloodwyn will not harass you for tribute if you become a Guard or Magician of Fire.
- Troll Wheel no longer spawns infinite Goblins.
- Gorn should no longer attack the player while in the Free Mine.
- Gates do not become stuck after they have been fixed or set to be opened.
- If Baal Lukor stops following you, simply engage in conversation with him. He will resume following upon exiting dialogue.
- The game will no longer crash in the Orc Temple due to a "missing sound file". We have implemented a quick fix, with a more permanent one planned later on.
- Camera values have been improved.
- FOV on Widescreen monitors should see an improvement.
patch do g2:
Alternative Balancing:
We have added an optional alternative balancing system for NOTR. With the Alternative Balancing System installed, Monsters are tougher, but LP costs have been rebalanced, stat limits are increased, new Weapons and Items added, and other new features have been implemented. As such, this is essentially the sequel to the earlier Heights of Power mod, previously published by Korianous. A full compiled list of Alternative Balancing content is located in the changelog.
NOTE: It is possible that the Alternative Balancing .vdf could screw with some mods. In case you are having trouble, simply add a .bak or .disabled extension to the .vdf file while playing a mod. To re-enable it while playing NOTR, just remove the .bak extension. That’s it

New LP Costs:
Training STR/DEX/MANA from 10-60 costs 1 LP/Skill Point
Training STR/DEX/MANA from 60-120 costs 2 LP/Skill Point
Training STR/DEX/MANA from 120-180 costs 3 LP/Skill Point
Training STR/DEX/MANA from 180-240 costs 4 LP/Skill Point
Training STR/DEX/MANA from 240-300 costs 5 LP/Skill Point
LP costs for combat training are unaffected. Only certain teachers will be able to train you to this new maximum, you’ll just have to find them. With the aid of stat boosters (stone tablets, potions, etc.) your attributes can potentially be raised to the absolute limit of 400.
Damage Table for Rescaled Claw of Beliar:
Player Claw 1H 2H
Level Level Dmg Dmg
<=11 1 100 110
11 2 101 111
13 3 102 112
15 4 103 113
17 5 104 114
19 6 105 115
21 7 106 116
23 8 107 117
25 9 108 118
27 10 109 119
29 11 110 120
31 12 111 121
33 13 112 122
35 14 113 123
37 15 114 124
39 16 115 125
41 17 116 126
43 18 117 127
45 19 118 128
47 20 120 130
__Alternative Balancing __
- Stats can be trained up to 300, with maximum stats at 400.
- LP costs rebalanced.
- Bosper sells new Bows.
- The Claw of Beliar has been rescaled.
- Betty now does as much damage as the Ore Dragon Slayer.
- Rod’s Two-Hander does as much damage as a Rough Two-Hander.
- Erol and Rengaru now provide +3 Strength/Dexterity Bonuses, respectively.
- The Fencing Sabre is available from Hakon, and a new weapon, the Katana, can be purchased from Fisk.
- New Staves are available from Kronos.
- Ambient XP Caps Removed, you will always get a +250 XP Bonus.
- Pepe’s Quest will now generate actual wolves, instead of Young Wolves.
- Several monsters now have unique strengths and weaknesses, which you will need to think about in order to defeat them.
- Monsters have all been toughened up.
- Fixed improperly equipped armor on certain individuals.
- More dialogue fixes.
- Improved FOV/Camera System. Widescreen Resolution Improvements.
- Improved Combat AI.
- Sekob is no longer immortal, so he is not unbeatable upon completion of the "Sekob Misses His Wife" quest.
- The two strongest two-handers in the game (Dragon Slicer & Berserker’s Axe) can no longer be bought in stores, you must actually adventure to find them

. Don't worry though, you shouldn't have to go too far out of your way.
- Fixed several text and dialogue errors.
- Certain Lines in Vatras & Lares' dialogue are now in English.
- Appraising your Goldmining Ability is now in English.
- A few more XP Bonuses.
- On the quest to get Thorben's approval, getting a blessing from Isgaroth now gives you a 100 XP bonus.
- The Stunt Bonus is now 1000 XP.
- Joining Morgan's and/or Henry's Raiding Troop now grants a 50 XP Bonus.
- Toughened up the Black Wolf of the Novice Quest, Boars & Field Raiders now yield 100 XP when killed, Ice Wolves now yield 250 XP.
- Fire Devils, and Shadowbeast Skeletons are now slightly tougher.
- Bartok is tougher, so it's less difficult to keep him alive on the "Furs for Bosper" Quest.
- Giant Rats are tougher than Young Giant Rats. Wolves, Minecrawlers, Bloodflies, Snappers, and Razors now have stats similar to Gothic I.
- Lares can now provide the Simple Way to join all 3 guilds.
- Fixed the notorious "Stuck Ornament Bug" with Lares.
- Fixed a bug with the Bandit's Tower Quest.
- Fixed the bug where the Dragons occasionally yield no trophies.
- The Orc Attack Video no longer crashes the game.
About the Patch:
Gothic II: Night of the Raven is an excellent game, after all these years. However, it is still somewhat beset by bugs, even with the latest release. Our patch aims to fix as many of these bugs as possible, and enhance the experience of those playing Gothic II Gold.
Also, the product features a texture pack, courtesy of Colmar, that is there to enhance the visual experience of the gameworld. Check the appropriate changelog for more info.
As we fix more bugs, patches will be released. If there is a bug you would like addressed, please let us know. What we have done has been included in the changelog below. Enjoy ;] .
The Ironkeep Studios Team.