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Wiadomości - judas23

Strony: [1]
Witam, mam problem, gdy próbuje uruchomić nową grę to nastepnie się ona ładuje a gdy się wczyta wywala mi brak pamięci dostępnej dla gry(bierze 4gb zamiast więcej, bo wersja 32 bit) wie ktoś jak to naprawić?

Cp 1.75 + UP +CM + LTM 0.38
Win 11 64gb 32gb ram
Gothic 3 na Steam
Dodaje log:
Gothic3 Engine LogFile...
Username:adams / Computername:PC-ADAM
Date: Friday, December 03, 2021
Error main message:
in module <UNKNOWN> at 0023:1000EA06

Registers and callstack:
0023:1000EA06 (0x80000001 0x032064D0 0x00000000 0x00000000) <UNKNOWN>
0023:D6EDDB40 (0x02AD8914 0x02AD8908 0x02AD891A 0x029AAF90) <UNKNOWN>
0023:02AD8902 (0x02AD8914 0x02AD8908 0x02AD891A 0x029AAF90) <UNKNOWN>
0023:02AD8902 (0x02B4E070 0xE06C25FF 0x25FF02B4 0x02B4E068) <UNKNOWN>
0023:25FF02B4 (0x0411E53E 0x83A7A2BE 0x752DBF3E 0x61D9853F) <UNKNOWN>
0023:F05254BD (0x00000000 0x00000500 0x16041900 0xD4C0553F) <UNKNOWN>

EAX=FF811FD2  EBX=C67C7230  ECX=CD3623EC  EDX=00000000  ESI=C67C71C0
EDI=C67C7230  EBP=0000003E  ESP=1DDFFBC7  EIP=00000000  FLG=00210202
CS=0023   DS=002B  SS=002B  ES=002B   FS=0053  GS=002B

History log:
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir - Mount MOD incremental pack file: C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Gothic 3/Data/_compiledMesh.m00 for folder:#G3:/Data/_compiledMesh, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir - Mount MOD incremental pack file: C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Gothic 3/Data/_compiledMesh.m01 for folder:#G3:/Data/_compiledMesh, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir - Mount MOD incremental pack file: C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Gothic 3/Data/_compiledMesh.m02 for folder:#G3:/Data/_compiledMesh, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir - Mount MOD incremental pack file: C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Gothic 3/Data/_compiledMesh.m03 for folder:#G3:/Data/_compiledMesh, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir - Mount MOD incremental pack file: C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Gothic 3/Data/_compiledMesh.m04 for folder:#G3:/Data/_compiledMesh, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir - Mount MOD incremental pack file: C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Gothic 3/Data/_compiledMesh.m05 for folder:#G3:/Data/_compiledMesh, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/_compiledMesh' -> 'Data/_compiledMesh', Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir - Mount MOD pack file: C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Gothic 3/Data/_compiledPhysic.mod for folder:#G3:/Data/_compiledPhysic, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/_compiledPhysic' -> 'Data/_compiledPhysic', Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Scripts' -> 'Scripts', Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Backup' -> 'Backup', Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Snapshots' -> 'Snapshots', Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/LogicalEditor' -> 'Data/LogicalEditor', Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/Video' -> 'Data/Video', Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir - Mount incremental pack file: C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Gothic 3/Data/Music.p00 for folder:#G3:/Data/Music, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/Music' -> 'Data/Music', Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'SaveGame' -> 'SaveGame', Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir - Mount MOD pack file: C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Gothic 3/Data/Speech_polish.mod for folder:#G3:/Data/Speech_polish, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/Speech_polish' -> 'Data/Speech_polish', Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCApplication::Create - can´t open local configfile ge3local.ini, using master config values
, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hardware information <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
OS version information:       5.1.2600 Service Pack 3, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
Number of processors:         16, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
Physical memory total:        34268151808, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
Physical memory available:    27784486912, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
Virtual memory total:         4294836224, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
Virtual memory available:     3910369280, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
PageFile memory total:        39636860928, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
PageFile memory available:    31529791488, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
Memory load:                  18 percent, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
SSE available:                1, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
SSE2 available:               1, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
NX Flag available:            1, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
RDTSC Flag available:         1, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
Display settings:             1680x1050@59, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
in module <UNKNOWN> at 0023:1000EA06
0023:1000EA06 (0x80000001 0x032064D0 0x00000000 0x00000000) <UNKNOWN>
0023:D6EDDB40 (0x02AD8914 0x02AD8908 0x02AD891A 0x029AAF90) <UNKNOWN>
0023:02AD8902 (0x02AD8914 0x02AD8908 0x02AD891A 0x029AAF90) <UNKNOWN>
0023:02AD8902 (0x02B4E070 0xE06C25FF 0x25FF02B4 0x02B4E068) <UNKNOWN>
0023:25FF02B4 (0x0411E53E 0x83A7A2BE 0x752DBF3E 0x61D9853F) <UNKNOWN>
0023:F05254BD (0x00000000 0x00000500 0x16041900 0xD4C0553F) <UNKNOWN>
EAX=FF811FD2  EBX=C67C7230  ECX=CD3623EC  EDX=00000000  ESI=C67C71C0
EDI=C67C7230  EBP=0000003E  ESP=1DDFFBC7  EIP=00000000  FLG=00210202
CS=0023   DS=002B  SS=002B  ES=002B   FS=0053  GS=002B

Memory dump and statistics:
Memory statistics
Physical memory total:        32680 MB
Physical memory available:    24663 MB
Virtual  memory total:        4095 MB
Virtual  memory available:    2024 MB
PageFile memory total:        37800 MB
PageFile memory available:    28279 MB
Memory load:                  24 percent
SMALL / heaps:   222 blocks: 4928793/5939645 memory: 412406404/ 71014336/484368384 (used/free/windows)
MID   / heaps:    94 blocks:   12487/  13012 memory: 279121920/115142656/394264576 (used/free/windows)
LARGE / heaps:     1 blocks:      56/    128 memory:  29110272/ 69033984/  6324224 (used/peek/largest free)
BUFFER / heaps:     1 blocks:       0/      3 memory:      0/ 83460/ 98304/ 98304 kB (used/peek/largest free/windows)
low fragment heap: true / allocs failed: 0/0 / last maxmimum block size: 0 / peak blocks allocated: 128 not empty! / block sizes: 266240<4759552


Log created at: 03:23:12 PM

Strony: [1]
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