Zapowiedzi modyfikacji / [G2NK] Requiem
« dnia: 2014-07-01, 15:25 »Nie zauważyłem aby powstał temat o tej modyfikacji a szukajka też nie informuje o tym wydarzeniu. Przeglądając mody na stronie moddb.com natknąłem się na modyfikację do G2 NK. Jest to modyfikacja stworzona przez vic7im
Modyfikacja nie powala zmianami w postaci nowych światów czy dodatkowymi hordami NPC ale skłania się do bardziej subtelnych zmian w mechanice G2, AI przeciwników, przywraca mechanikę walki podobną z G1 oraz inne:
Cały changelog.txt moda:
New & Improved Textures
Wide range of armors, all weapons, some NPCS & world textures have been improved (100% compatible with Vurt's Enhanced Graphics Mod)
Modyfikacja nie powala zmianami w postaci nowych światów czy dodatkowymi hordami NPC ale skłania się do bardziej subtelnych zmian w mechanice G2, AI przeciwników, przywraca mechanikę walki podobną z G1 oraz inne:
Cały changelog.txt moda:
Hello everyone!
Gothic 2 - Enhanced Edition is an 80MB mod for G2-NOTR (2.6 & 2.7 compatible).
My aim is to make the story of G2-NOTR even better and the journey far more perilous than before, with old friends to meet,
old(and new) enemies to face, improved AI, new textures, new quests, new weapons & armor and much much more!
#################################################### Installation Instructions:
Drag&Drop into /Gothic2/Data
Protip: If it doesn't start the first time simply re-launch the .exe
################################################### 2.0 (final) Changes:
Weapon Skills:
Now Critical Chance and Weapon Skill will be two different things to level. Certain techers will teach you the style, others simply raise crit.
One Handed Fighter: 10 LP
One Handed Master: 20 LP
Two Handed Fighter: 30 LP
Two Handed Master: 40 LP
Bow level 1: 10 LP
Bow Level 2: 20 LP
Crossbow Level 1: 20 LP
Crossbow Level 2: 30 LP
Raising Critical chance will cost 1 LP per % up to 50%, then 2 LP up to 100%.
The option to improve your weapon fighting style is present only if you meet the LP requirements.
Tweaked ALL NPC's, again, to reflect the changes of Weapon Skills.
Tweaked Monsters
Tweaked URIZIEL damage
New Quests
One Merc-specific quest
Tweaked Cipher's quest for the Swampweed package
Added a new quest after Chapter2
Changed some Quest-Rewards
Possibility to wear the DragonSlayer Armor (new)
Possibility to wear the Paladin's Armor
Possibility to wear the Heavy Guard's Armor (new)
New Halls of Irdorath, now more difficult
Tweaked XP rewards later on
Tweaked AI for Shamans and Seekers
Tweaked stats for: Draconians, Dragons, Templars, Seekers, Guardian, Raven, Skeleton Lords, Orc Elites
Fixed "no loot" bug while using the pickaxe (workaround)
Text in scrolls/runes showing magic damage instead of fire damage
Fixed 3 crash bugs
Fixed Dragonslayer Armor bug showing Strength Required: 190
Fixed AI for Skeleton Mage (spamming Army of Darkness Is NOT the solution!)
Fixed AI for Dragons
v1 changelog:
Full list of changes regarding the game and whatnot.
LP costs of Str,Dex are as follow: 1 point until 60, 2 from 60 to 80, 3 above 80.
Mana is 1 LP from 0 to 80, then 2 LP.
Teachers won't train you up to 100 from Chapter2-3, you will have to search for the right people throughout the chapters.
Weapon specializations change to "Fighter" at 30, "Master" at 80. LP costs are:
From 0 to 40: 1 LP
40-60: 2 LP
60-100: 3LP
Sneak: 10 LP
Pickpocket-Picklock: 20 LP
Smith: All costs changed, it's now more difficult to forge items due to their requirements (weapons are indeed more powerful too though). There is also one quest available for those who choose Harad as master in Khorinis. Just go talk to Wulfgar.
Alchemy,Magic Circles have also their costs changed.
Gold rewarded from purses is halved. It will be more difficult to get thousands of gold.
Economy: Weapons have their costs similar to Gothic1, same goes for armors.
All stone tablets won't tell you what they do, so there's no skill planning.
Armors have now stats that reflect the role played:
Paladins will have more resistance against weapons and magic
Dragon Hunters will have more resistance agaisnt fire but less against magic, and slightly less against weapons compared to the paladins
Mages will have strong magic and fire resistances, but are weak against melee weapons (not much weak, but certainly weaker than the others)
Weapons: Lots of weapons from G1 will make a comeback. For immersion, orc weapons have their names changed and damage values changed to reflect G1 (don't worry, they do more damage than before)
My favourite topic. Now ALL fire spells will do FIRE damage, NOT magic damage. Enemies caught by fire spells will catch fire and lose hp over time as the flames consume their bodies.
Every animal that has fur is weak against fire, every golem matching an element is immune to that element. Stone golems will be identical to the ones in G1 (meaning that only maces will hurt them)
All NPCS that use magic have their spells changed. Some will throw you a firestorm, others a Ripple of Death (oh yeah, the one from G1 that was renamed Breathofdeath), and so on. Skeleton mages will be far more challenging than before.
Monster Ai tweaked, you won't be able to perma-lock a monster into their "pain" animation. They will attack relentlessly, but not like G3.
All NPCS have their stats tweaked. Monsters are now really fearsome, same goes for the undead. Zombies won't be interrupted while attacking, making them deadly in packs.
Human NPCS have both stats and weapon skills changed to match "decency". Meaning that a lvl3 Bandit won't have the fight skills at 50, but at 20,30 tops.
Monsters in general now have at least one weakness to exploit.
Increased spawns and additional quests will cover the incresed LP cost of some skills, making every choice count. Like,for realzies.
I recommend you to talk to anyone. Not giving you anything away, I'll just list some keywords of what I've changed.
Thieves guild
"unknown convict"
Changed the whole Dragon Hunter armor quest-chain
Jan can now forge a different kind of armor
Quest Rewards
Gothic 2 - Enhanced Edition is an 80MB mod for G2-NOTR (2.6 & 2.7 compatible).
My aim is to make the story of G2-NOTR even better and the journey far more perilous than before, with old friends to meet,
old(and new) enemies to face, improved AI, new textures, new quests, new weapons & armor and much much more!
#################################################### Installation Instructions:
Drag&Drop into /Gothic2/Data
Protip: If it doesn't start the first time simply re-launch the .exe
################################################### 2.0 (final) Changes:
Weapon Skills:
Now Critical Chance and Weapon Skill will be two different things to level. Certain techers will teach you the style, others simply raise crit.
One Handed Fighter: 10 LP
One Handed Master: 20 LP
Two Handed Fighter: 30 LP
Two Handed Master: 40 LP
Bow level 1: 10 LP
Bow Level 2: 20 LP
Crossbow Level 1: 20 LP
Crossbow Level 2: 30 LP
Raising Critical chance will cost 1 LP per % up to 50%, then 2 LP up to 100%.
The option to improve your weapon fighting style is present only if you meet the LP requirements.
Tweaked ALL NPC's, again, to reflect the changes of Weapon Skills.
Tweaked Monsters
Tweaked URIZIEL damage
New Quests
One Merc-specific quest
Tweaked Cipher's quest for the Swampweed package
Added a new quest after Chapter2
Changed some Quest-Rewards
Possibility to wear the DragonSlayer Armor (new)
Possibility to wear the Paladin's Armor
Possibility to wear the Heavy Guard's Armor (new)
New Halls of Irdorath, now more difficult
Tweaked XP rewards later on
Tweaked AI for Shamans and Seekers
Tweaked stats for: Draconians, Dragons, Templars, Seekers, Guardian, Raven, Skeleton Lords, Orc Elites
Fixed "no loot" bug while using the pickaxe (workaround)
Text in scrolls/runes showing magic damage instead of fire damage
Fixed 3 crash bugs
Fixed Dragonslayer Armor bug showing Strength Required: 190
Fixed AI for Skeleton Mage (spamming Army of Darkness Is NOT the solution!)
Fixed AI for Dragons
v1 changelog:
Full list of changes regarding the game and whatnot.
LP costs of Str,Dex are as follow: 1 point until 60, 2 from 60 to 80, 3 above 80.
Mana is 1 LP from 0 to 80, then 2 LP.
Teachers won't train you up to 100 from Chapter2-3, you will have to search for the right people throughout the chapters.
Weapon specializations change to "Fighter" at 30, "Master" at 80. LP costs are:
From 0 to 40: 1 LP
40-60: 2 LP
60-100: 3LP
Sneak: 10 LP
Pickpocket-Picklock: 20 LP
Smith: All costs changed, it's now more difficult to forge items due to their requirements (weapons are indeed more powerful too though). There is also one quest available for those who choose Harad as master in Khorinis. Just go talk to Wulfgar.
Alchemy,Magic Circles have also their costs changed.
Gold rewarded from purses is halved. It will be more difficult to get thousands of gold.
Economy: Weapons have their costs similar to Gothic1, same goes for armors.
All stone tablets won't tell you what they do, so there's no skill planning.
Armors have now stats that reflect the role played:
Paladins will have more resistance against weapons and magic
Dragon Hunters will have more resistance agaisnt fire but less against magic, and slightly less against weapons compared to the paladins
Mages will have strong magic and fire resistances, but are weak against melee weapons (not much weak, but certainly weaker than the others)
Weapons: Lots of weapons from G1 will make a comeback. For immersion, orc weapons have their names changed and damage values changed to reflect G1 (don't worry, they do more damage than before)
My favourite topic. Now ALL fire spells will do FIRE damage, NOT magic damage. Enemies caught by fire spells will catch fire and lose hp over time as the flames consume their bodies.
Every animal that has fur is weak against fire, every golem matching an element is immune to that element. Stone golems will be identical to the ones in G1 (meaning that only maces will hurt them)
All NPCS that use magic have their spells changed. Some will throw you a firestorm, others a Ripple of Death (oh yeah, the one from G1 that was renamed Breathofdeath), and so on. Skeleton mages will be far more challenging than before.
Monster Ai tweaked, you won't be able to perma-lock a monster into their "pain" animation. They will attack relentlessly, but not like G3.
All NPCS have their stats tweaked. Monsters are now really fearsome, same goes for the undead. Zombies won't be interrupted while attacking, making them deadly in packs.
Human NPCS have both stats and weapon skills changed to match "decency". Meaning that a lvl3 Bandit won't have the fight skills at 50, but at 20,30 tops.
Monsters in general now have at least one weakness to exploit.
Increased spawns and additional quests will cover the incresed LP cost of some skills, making every choice count. Like,for realzies.
I recommend you to talk to anyone. Not giving you anything away, I'll just list some keywords of what I've changed.
Thieves guild
"unknown convict"
Changed the whole Dragon Hunter armor quest-chain
Jan can now forge a different kind of armor
Quest Rewards
New & Improved Textures
Wide range of armors, all weapons, some NPCS & world textures have been improved (100% compatible with Vurt's Enhanced Graphics Mod)
New Weapons & Armors
Added G1 Armors
Few Unique Armors with their own textures
Few Unique Weapons (although based on classic G2-Models)
URIZIEL is back in the game, and it's damn hard to obtain
Added G1 Armors
Few Unique Armors with their own textures
Few Unique Weapons (although based on classic G2-Models)
URIZIEL is back in the game, and it's damn hard to obtain
New /Old NPCS
Lots of 'em are making a comeback!________________________________________________________________________________________
New Enemies
Possessed Templars (varying from light to heavy-armored, they'll hunt you down)
Skeleton Warrior (from G1)
Skeleton Scout (also from G1)
Undead Orcs and Shamans
10+ Zombie varieties (with different stats)
Possessed Templars (varying from light to heavy-armored, they'll hunt you down)
Skeleton Warrior (from G1)
Skeleton Scout (also from G1)
Undead Orcs and Shamans
10+ Zombie varieties (with different stats)
New Quests
Not much to say here. You'll have to play and discover them yourself. (I would sell out Canthar, and join the Thieves Guild, and keep my eyes peeled in the Old Camp, and..)
Some quests which were reserved to a particular faction are now faction-independent (makes sense, the stuff going on in Khorinis is way too important for stupid disputes between factions).
Not much to say here. You'll have to play and discover them yourself. (I would sell out Canthar, and join the Thieves Guild, and keep my eyes peeled in the Old Camp, and..)
Some quests which were reserved to a particular faction are now faction-independent (makes sense, the stuff going on in Khorinis is way too important for stupid disputes between factions).
ALL weapons, ALL armors, ALL Npc's and ALL monsters have their stats redone. It's MUCH harder, but VERY rewarding.
Every monster has a weakness, it's up to you to find it and exploit it.
Trolls and other monsters are more aggressive and aren't interruptable. Be very careful.
All Damage Tables were converted to Vanilla G2 / G1.
Magic Damage & Immunities improved: No more Fire golems getting killed by Fireballs.
Enemy Caster AI also improved, with new spells.
Now Fire Mages will use mostly Fire Spells, Water Mages Cold/Lightning based spells, not the ever-present-holybolt-that-kills-everybody spell.
LP costs are changed, making every choice in terms of LP count.
News: V2.0 Changes
Completely redone combat system. Now will work exactly like Gothic1
Crit chance changed to become similar to G1 (but not the same)
Templars and Novices are back, looking for spiritual guidance
World Changes (If I get the Spacer to work)
The hero will "move" accordingly to his Guild (if he's a Mage the walking animation will be the same as the other mages etc.)
Adjusted quests, vendors and leveling system
New Quests
Video: http://www.moddb.com/media/iframe/1102879
Video 2 (July Update): http://www.moddb.com/media/iframe/1126902
Galeria: http://www.moddb.com/mods/gothic-2-enhanced-edition/images/205

Nie testowałem, nie grałem. Może ktoś z Was już bawił się w to i może opisać jakie zebrał opinie na ten temat.
ALL weapons, ALL armors, ALL Npc's and ALL monsters have their stats redone. It's MUCH harder, but VERY rewarding.
Every monster has a weakness, it's up to you to find it and exploit it.
Trolls and other monsters are more aggressive and aren't interruptable. Be very careful.
All Damage Tables were converted to Vanilla G2 / G1.
Magic Damage & Immunities improved: No more Fire golems getting killed by Fireballs.
Enemy Caster AI also improved, with new spells.
Now Fire Mages will use mostly Fire Spells, Water Mages Cold/Lightning based spells, not the ever-present-holybolt-that-kills-everybody spell.
LP costs are changed, making every choice in terms of LP count.
Improved Spawns
The Mine Valley won't be a stroll in the park like before, I assure you.
Neither the Swamp in Jarkhendar.
________________________________________________________________________________________The Mine Valley won't be a stroll in the park like before, I assure you.
Neither the Swamp in Jarkhendar.
News: V2.0 Changes
Completely redone combat system. Now will work exactly like Gothic1
Crit chance changed to become similar to G1 (but not the same)
Templars and Novices are back, looking for spiritual guidance
World Changes (If I get the Spacer to work)
The hero will "move" accordingly to his Guild (if he's a Mage the walking animation will be the same as the other mages etc.)
Adjusted quests, vendors and leveling system
New Quests
Video: http://www.moddb.com/media/iframe/1102879
Video 2 (July Update): http://www.moddb.com/media/iframe/1126902
Galeria: http://www.moddb.com/mods/gothic-2-enhanced-edition/images/205

Nie testowałem, nie grałem. Może ktoś z Was już bawił się w to i może opisać jakie zebrał opinie na ten temat.