[Tool] Diakreion: Scripting Tool - release 26493 24

O temacie

Autor Aeternitas

Zaczęty 15.01.2013 roku

Wyświetleń 26493

Odpowiedzi 24



  • Użytkownicy
I hope I write into good section:

This is a tool I initialy created for creation of dialogs for Gothic 2. But the project went further and now it is very advanced tool for scripting supporting 16 programming languages or script languages.

- Syntax highlighting of Daedalus (supporting over 1800 functions, variables, constants, keywords!!!);
- Syntax highlighting of Pascal, FreePascal, Lazarus Form, Java, C++, Visual Basic, HTML, XML, PHP, Perl, Python, SQL, CSS, TeX, Unix Shell (program automatically sets the highlighter according to the file extension);
- Autocompletion (You need just type first letter or two and the program gives you options of continuation - use with CTRL + SPACE);
- Multitab environment;
- File association (double click on a file and it might be opened in Diakreion);
- Dragging files on Diakreion (you may drag files instead of using buttons or high menu if you want);
- You may change the environment on your wish;
- Possibility to reopen last opened tabs on start;
- Supporting projects (you can accumulate files in projects and so work on them);
- You may use hot keys;
- Simple to use;
- Automatically checking new version in internet;
- Communication with Convlett 1.8 and higher;
- Export all texts out of Daedalus files, copy them into txt file - then you may do what ever you want (corrections, Google translations, etc), and then import them back;
- Treeview;
- Simple diary creation;
- Simple syntax checker of Daedalus d-files;
- NPC and bunch of NPCs generation;
- Intelligent NPCs redistributian over WPs and routines;
- Gothic camp support;
and more.

Known issues: 1) Program MUST NOT run from folder or path, which contains other than ANSI characters. (Even so it may work with files from such places). 2) Sometimes it takes several seconds to start if you have problem with internet connection, for the program checks newer versions of itself and of Convlett.

Download: Here

Bug Tracker: Here



  • Użytkownicy
Brak polskiej wersji językowej podziękował.

Żeby nie było to ja Lynx z GMP



  • Użytkownicy
Brak polskiej wersji językowej podziękował.
Zapał to nauka, nikt ci na talerzu tego nie przyniesie.

Ewentualnie po jakimś czasie spolszczą to ci którym się będzie chciało.
3. Pamiętaj, kolorek, ranga i ilość postów na forum świadczy o długości penisa!

Towarzysz Karabynier



  • Użytkownicy
[quote name='Da Guru Sephiris' timestamp='1358279981' post='1067307']
[quote name='dezerter' timestamp='1358271185' post='1067295']
Brak polskiej wersji językowej podziękował.
Zapał to nauka, nikt ci na talerzu tego nie przyniesie.

Ewentualnie po jakimś czasie spolszczą to ci którym się będzie chciało.

If any of you can translate it into Polish, just open one of the lng files in data folder, translate the text and send it to me. It's simple and not much text. But I can't do it alone.



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  • Szara eminencja


[Tool] Diakreion: Scripting Tool - release
#4 2013-01-15, 23:27(Ostatnia zmiana: 2013-11-06, 22:05)
What is Convlett? :D

Polish version (beta, not tested): http://www.sendspace.com/file/xal6ab



  • Użytkownicy
What is Convlett? :D

Polish version (beta, not tested): http://www.sendspace.com/file/xal6ab

I built it in the program,, but I can tell if it is correct or not. :)  You find it in the version 1.2.

Convlett is my second tool. Probably you won#msg1067320t need it. It takes Czech symbols and converts them into pseudo czech (and otherwise), which Gothic better understands. For more info, take a look at my site here.



  • Użytkownicy
I uploaded version 1.2 where is thank to Adanos already Polish interface. Enjoy. :)



  • Użytkownicy

Żeby nie było to ja Lynx z GMP



  • Użytkownicy
I issued version 2.0

- Treeview;
- Simple diary creation;
- Simple syntax checker of Daedalus d-files;
- NPC and bunch of NPCs generation;
- Intelligent NPCs redistributian over WPs and routines;
- Gothic camp support;

Now with Diakreion you may make camps in few minutes, instead of weeks. Just make the camp in Spacer and Diakreion makes everything else. It creates NPCs, it gives them everything they need, distributes them over waynet, gives them routines, etc. You just write only the dialogs and that's all.

See the screens:




  • Użytkownicy
W tym można pisać misje do Gothica II ? Jeżeli tak to lecę do kolegi po Gothica :D  i wracam do moddingu, a GTA SA I M&B odłożę na bok.

Uff, jest wersja 32bit, ale ulga :) .
Youtuber/Streamer - Dawid Tieru Saworski



  • Użytkownicy
W tym można pisać misje do Gothica II ? Jeżeli tak to lecę do kolegi po Gothica :D  i wracam do moddingu, a GTA SA I M&B odłożę na bok.

Uff, jest wersja 32bit, ale ulga :) .

Yes. Very easily. :)



  • Użytkownicy
I issued version 3.0. Thanathaian.

There are lot of news and lot of new features from version 2.0.

See the whole list features here





The Modders
  • The Modders
A useful program through :)



  • Użytkownicy
I issued version 3.8. Merloiensis.
Normally I would announce the next big release 4.0, which is quickly coming in the next weeks, but this version is very special. It introduces the Diakreion Texture Converter. It is in a way similar to Goman but much more simple to use. You just drop the texture or textures on the window of the converter to convert them. I recommend to look and see for yourself. There are, of course, several other possibilities to do, like Image Effects, Image Drawing, etc.
Also there are lot of new features from version 3.0. Diakreion is growing very rapidly and I recommend to try every feature, because Diakreion makes modding very simple and very handy. I tried to list of all features in the special list (link below), but the best way to get to know them is to try them.
I plan lot of more, having several things on the TO-DO-list, but if you have some suggestions, try to tell me and I might do it if I have time.
There is one small issue in Diakreion. I, alone, am unable to translate it into Russian language, so I use Google Translator. So your language might sound sometimes weird. :) If there is a good soul to correct it, just tell me. It's simple but it must be tested, so the new texts fits on buttons, labels, etc.
See the whole list of features here
Screens (the screens are not from newer versions unfortunately).



  • Użytkownicy
I issued version 3.9. Martensius.

See the whole list of features here



I want to emphasize another new feature. Diakreion Gothic Music Player.

The Diakreion Gothic Music Player. It works similar to TMI's GMP but with several differences. First of all it can be run also on new Windows Systems, second it can play any SGT file, so also SGT files of mods.

See some new screens:




  • Użytkownicy
I issued version 4.0.0. Struthopodes.
See the whole list of features here
> Big release.
- 1) Animal Generator / Creator.
= (The strength of the animal at 1 is the original strength. Any other step means
10% higher. Level rises by 1 every 7 steps. There can be also negative steps,
which make the animal weaker. The attributes are automatically generated
if the checkbox above 'Now' button is checked and so the given values
are ignored at this case. Checked next button gives random values for attributes
(changed randomly by +-1/8 of the standard value). Only the attributes,
where the checkboxs before them are checked, are generated if instance-type
of creation is chosen. By prototype, everything is generated, but not
the instance. 'The Based on' settings affects most of the generated creature,
'Subtype' affects only visual and body texture. 'Proto' is the name of prototype,
'Name' is the name of instance.).

- 2) The Range of Animal Creation.
= (There is also a possibility to create a range of different beasts of one kind.
The number right to 'Create Animal' button specifies the number of creatures
generated. The first creature is the weakest at the specified strength.
Every next is stronger a bit. If 'New visual' is checked, so there is also
redefined the visual function for every generated instance. The other settings
will have effect to the creation. The 'Name' is automatically changed.).

- 3) Tenebris Creatures Creation.
= (There is 'Auto' button, which creates automatically the range of beasts of
the chosen kind. You do nothing but choose a creature, check or uncheck
'New Visual' button and click 'Auto'. Creatures A to Z will be created with
difficulty settings included and with a bit lowered level gained. No other
settings - with exception of 'Name' - will have effect by auto creation.).

- 4) Diakreion Gothic Music Player Updated to v1.1.0. - Svadilfari.
= (Now changing the duration will change it realtime, considering already played
time. I also added Player Tracker, which is only read-only. I also added some
info about file / segment, and more).

- 5) Image Zoomer.
= (By clicking on any image on the left panel the image gets big over most all
the screen with all its details.).

- 6) Diakreion FAQ.

- 7) Diakreion User Panel.
= (I simplified the using of Diakreion for none-modders and made the User Panel.
I put there everything needed for users. The panel is implicitly showed
at start of Diakreion, accumulating for example the starters of Diakreion
Gothic Music Player and Diakreion Texture Editor / Converter.).

- 8) New Settings: Texts Moving To The Right.
= (The movable texts can run to the left or right, depending on this settings.
It affects also the Diakreion Gothic Music Player v1.1.0+).

- 9) Warning while closing Diakreion if there are some unsaved modified files.

- 10) Last Edited File In Front.
= (After you leave Diakreion, Diakreion will remember the last active page and
by the reopening Diakreion, Diakreion turns the page in front again.).

- 11) Design Changes.
= (For example: Lot of windows got the X (closing) button.).

- 12) Text Selection Info in Editor.
= (You see information like 'Sel-14-19-110', which means the start line, the end
line and the length of the selection text in editor.).

- 13) Delete File Content.
= (In 'Edit' menu there is new button. By clicking, the content of actual file is
deleted. It erases only content in Diakreion, so you must save file to
delete content of a saved file.).

- 14) Fix Me At Random in NPC Appearance Updater.
= (Now, if you generate a face, you may fix some of the attributes, so only
the chosen attributes will be generated and the rest will be fixed.).

- 15) Searcher Update.
= (In the 'Search' edit on the main window or in 'Advanced Search' you may
write your search term and then click 'Enter'. The search goes in circles,
so if you find your last term, then the search continues again automatically
from the beginning of the file.

- 16) Bug fixes.
and more.




  • Użytkownicy

Żeby nie było to ja Lynx z GMP



  • Użytkownicy
Sorry, but I have no idea, what is wrong with it. I edit the link and it has no effect, still forum repairs it somehow wrong. Please some admin or moderator to fix the links. Thx very much in advance.

I post direct here into code: http://darkforests.info/pages/web/projects/diakreion.html



  • Użytkownicy
I issued version 4.1.0. Sprigganseins.
See the whole list of features here


- 1) Advanced Searcher Updated.
= (Added 'Get Selected Text' buttons, 'Change Search and Replace terms' button,
and more.).

- 2) Find In Files.
= (You can search in files of a folder, subfolders, or in all opened files.
You can also specify if you look only through '.D' files or any file. Several
last searched folders are saved and can be used repeatedly without typing.
If you have specified the paths to Gothics, then there are in combobox
also basic paths to some of the Gothics folders.).

- 3) Replace in Files.

- 4) Find In Opened Files.

- 5) The text 'Diakreion' is being highlighted in all editors.

- 6) Convlett Starter in above menu.

- 7) New Settings: Moving Texts Stopped.
= (You have the possibility to stop the moving texts.).

- 8) Diakreion Gothic Music Player Updated to v1.1.1.
= (Small update so the settings of possible stopping of texts is applicable also
on DGMP.).

- 9) User Panel Updated.
= (I added the starter of Diakreion Gothic Starter.).

- 10) Diakreion Gothic Starter (DGS).
= (It is the starter of games and mods of Gothic 1 and 2. Click on the line
will select the line, double click will start the mod / game. Also key 'UP'
and 'DOWN' will select, 'RETURN' will start. The paths to Gothics must be set.
You can also show either all the games or of one of the Gothics. Maximum of
3 web links is supported.).

- 11) Pictures in Diakreion Gothic Starter.
= (There is a possibility to show pictures in DGS. If the INI is called for example
'Thanatos.ini', then 'ThanatosB.jpg' stands for the background image,
'Thanatos1.jpg' for the 1st screen, ..., 'Thanatos4.jpg' to 4th screen.
The click on any of the images (even also on the background) will enlarge
the chosen picture on the most of the panel. The next click on enlarged
picture will make it small again.).

- 12) Description of mods in Diakreion Gothic Starter.
= (Supported are several types. You can use plain text, you can use simple RTF
file or you can include a file per 'simlink' command ('!<symlink>GothicGame.rtf').
The included file can be text file or RTF file. The most of the RTF commands
are ignored with exception of '\RTF' (it introduces the start of RTF file),
'\par' (new line), and '\qc' (centered text). The rest is ignored and may be
included in some future release of Diakreion, so you can use the commands.).
and more.




  • Użytkownicy
Important things.
So, some time has passed since release of Diakreion 410 and I like to introduce something about next release. First of all I'd like to say that the release will take time to come (probably about a week), but the changes are so important that it will be good if you know them.
1) I will change the distribution from ZIP format to 7z format. 7z format is much more effective, sometimes 2-times so effective than ZIP, so this is the motivation. You will be able to open the distribution with most of the unzip applications. This of course will have some results. While using version 410 or older you won't be able to download the new Diakreion over Diakreion (since the file will have different extension) and you will have to use the standard download on my website. From version 420 and higher, it will be again possible.
2) There will be no more two distributions (32bit and 64bit), but only one, which will contain both of versions. It's because the distributions differs only in Diakreion.exe file and so for me it will be much easier to do only one distribution. Then the Diakreion.exe file will be the 64bit version and Diakreion32.exe file will be evidently the 32bit version of Diakreion. The package won't be much bigger, because 7z format makes it smaller.
So are the project changes. Now I want to speak about the most important feature, which Diakreion 420 will offer:
For a long time, months and longer, I plan to include Spell Checker into Diakreion. Now, finally I was successful. On the pictures you will see the spell-checker in action, though it's far from final version. There will be, of course, some design changes, so take it as only the temporary form I use just to demonstrate the new feature.
What it will do:
1) It will check the spelling (evidently ;-) )
2) there will be possibly several settings - checking all the file, part of the file, only comments, only strings, both, etc. It's evident that while checking D files you won't need to check everything.
3) On the picture you see a number of dictionaries already available. I may add more if you want, but I don't know which you prefer. I added the Russian dictionary, but I don't know if you want for example Ukrainian, Belorussian, etc. You need to tell me at that case.
There is one important thing about the spell checker, it will function only in 32bit version of Diakreion. I will work in future to include it also into 64bit version, but at this moment it's not possible and I can't promise it.
So that's all for the very moment. Diakreion 420 will bring also more things, but the above mentioned are the most important. By release-notes I will explain the nuances once they are settled.




  • Użytkownicy
I issued version 4.2.0. Peridexion.
See the whole list of features here
- 1) Diakreion Gothic Starter update.
= (I included a splitter, so the left list of names can be resized. DGS now reads
also special national symbols of alphabets. DGS has its own icon, so if you
have allowed the icons for forms in your system, you will see it.).

- 2) Code Completion updated.
= (Now after clicking CTRL+SPACE you can also move by arrows from left to right
and otherwise.).

- 3) Diakreion Spell-Checker.
= (There are 14 dictionaries available in Diakreion to provide spell-check of
files. You can change the dictionaries in upper menu or on the panel below.
There is also 'Auto' language option, which sets the checker to actual language
of Diakreion and resets it by changing the language.
If spell-checker option 'Activated' is checked, so the spelling is being
checked at any time automatically. Even so the hot-keys 'F9', 'F10', 'F11' are
provided to evoke the checking of a visible part of file, or of entire file by
given settings or of all the file. Right click on a word (any word, even words
that are correct) will evoke the offer of suggestions of words. I proclaimed
this feature to be only 32-bit feature, but I successfully implemented it in
both version, so also in 64-bit version of Diakreion.).

- 4) Spell-Checker options.
= (You can modify spell-checker options in upper menu. You can set on/off the
checking of body of the file, of strings, of short or long comments. If the
option '50 Lines Only' is checked, so not the entire file is checked but
only 50 lines starting from caret. By automatic checking of file only
visible part of file is being checked. You can set
'Check Entire file by Auto Check' to override the last option to the entire
file. 'Super Glow' will emphasize the misspellings dramatically.).

- 5) Pseudo-Czech Spell Czech.
= (By right click on a word in Pseudo-Czech the suggestions are shown in
normal Czech so to be better readable to readers. The inserted word is then
inserted in Pseudo-Czech, of course.).

- 6) Diakreion changed its distribution archive to 7z.
= (7z is more effective than zip. You can unzip it by most of zippers. Because
of this feature you can not download the newer version over Diakreion while
using Diakreion 410 or older. You need to use the web download. After update
to Diakreion 420 the downloader in Diakreion will be functional again.).

- 7) Only one distribution of Diakreion.
= (From now on there will be no more two distributions (32-bit and 64-bit) of
Diakreion but only one, which will contain both of versions. It is because
the distributions differs only in 'Diakreion.exe' file and so for me it is
much easier to do only one distribution. The 'Diakreion.exe' file is
the 64-bit version and 'Diakreion32.exe' file is evidently the 32-bit version
of Diakreion.).
and more.




Złote Wrota
Szef zespołu
  • Złote Wrota
  • Szef zespołu
Hi, thank you very much for this great and very useful tool :) Scripting now is much more convenient and faster. However I have also a few comments ;)

Would be possible to change hot keys for dialogue options? Double hot keys are not very comfortable, I think letter like i.e 'j,k,l' would be much better and faster.
Another thing is that when I use hot keys the cursor is two line below, not at the end of // like here:

Also when I use option i.e. Hero Talks that is in the box on the left there is no cursor at all.
The last thing that I've noticed so far is the lack of condition ''if (Npc_GetDistToWP (self, "WP") < 400)'' which is also very useful.

Of course there are little things, the tool is really powerful : )



  • Użytkownicy
I issued version 5.2.0. Carpathiens.


What's new:
- 1) Dopa Parter, v1.0.2, included and supported.
- 2) Highlighters have now background colors.
- 3) Switching among Gothic installations easier, list of paths saved.
- 4) New popup menu 'Open in Explorer'.
- 5) New popup submenu 'Convert'.
= (PhpBB style sheet table converts to CSS, use carefully.)
- 6) Hint window improved.
- 7) File Info window improved.
- 8) Dialog option 1 added.
- 9) Creation of pickpocket dialog added.
- 10) First line func scan bug fixed.
= (Rescan for definitions.)
- 11) All commands 'Open in Explorer' also select files/folders.
- 12) Search window gets on show selected text.
= (Maximal 19 symbols.)
- 13) After a change to another file, the editing window gets focus.
- 14) Bug fixes.
and more.



  • Użytkownicy
I issued version 5.9.1. Archaikum


[New in v5.9.1, Archaikum] - Jun 21, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas

- 1) Design changes.
- 2) Hint panel upgraded to colorful and clickable.
- 3) The top of Dialog panel can be hidden.
- 4) Environment form improved.
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.


[New in v5.8.0, Hadaikum] - Jun 13, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas

- 1) Three types of distribution of Diakreion: Basic, Standard and Enterprise.
= (Basic version: just the main program, Diakreion music program, basic files.
   Standard version: similar to the distribution of older Diakreions.
   Enterprise version: Diakreion with all plugins, library and everything about.
   You can choose whatever version you need. The main program is in all three
   versions the same.)
- 2) Encoding Tool can take also files.
= (You can choose or drop one file or a folder on encoding tool and
   let it be converted.)
- 3) Gothic/Spacer button improved.
- 4) Hint window improved.
- 5) Images on some panels/forms can be turned invisible.
- 6) Environment panel improved.
= (New posibility using memory to bring the color of a colorbox to another colorbox.
   There are two buttons by each colorbox. The upper takes the color to memory,
   the lower takes color from the memory. There is on the right bottom memory
   colorbox, so one can see what is right now in the memory.)
- 7) Design changes.
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.


[New in v5.7.0, Prekambrium] - Jun 6, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas

- 1) Music and sounds panel improved.
= (I added the possibility to switch between randomly played and played in a row.)
- 2) Files can be generated directly info Gothic folders.
- 3) Possibility of various themes.
= (You can switch between theme files.)
- 4) You can drop folder on Encoding Tool form instead of browsing.
- 5) Encoding tool improved.
- 6) Design changes.
= (The entire Diakreion is now in theme mode.)
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.


[New in v5.6.4, Ultraterra] - Jun 1, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas

- 1) Music and sounds panel improved.
= (You can gather folders of music files (WAVs and MP3s are supported) into folder
  'Diakreion\snd\amb' for ambient musics or 'Diakreion\snd\mus' for background music.
  In fact you can create here whatever folders you want. All files will be used
- 2) Design changes.
= (I converted lot of things into theme colors. Unfortunately there are things
  which cannot be changed without too deep changes, so they stayed as they are.)
- 3) Fullscreen on one click.
= (By clicking in main menu or using Ctrl+F1 you switch on or off fullscreen.
  It is not full fullscreen. Without too much effort I cannot hide main menu
  unfortunately. The same click returns the panels and toolbars back into
  standard configuration.)
- 4) Encoding conversion tool.
= (By specifying folder, encoding, direction and file type it is possible to
  convert all files in such folder and all its subfolders. System files and
  hidden files are skipped.)
- 5) Links to external programs.
= (You can set links to some external programs and start them from PROG popup menu.
  You can pick any two and exchange them. Ale zou can make lines between linkers.)
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.


[New in v5.5.2, Magicus] - May 24, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas

- 1) Compiled with Lazarus 2.0.2, FPC 3.0.4.
- 2) New theme configurations.
- 3) New design.
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.


[New in v5.4.1, Nordavind] - May 18, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas

- 1) Button Gothic changes caption to Spacer if Spacer to be started.
- 2) Last version compiled with Lazarus v1.1.99, FPC 2.6.2.
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.


[New in v5.3.0, Ebee] - Jun 17, 2017 A.D. - Aeternitas

- 1) Code arranger.
= (There is a possibility to arrange code of entire file or selection. If it is
  entire file, the program adds spaces before first line according to code
  level. Right click on mouse and Specialities.)
- 2) Texture Converter update.
= (Now you can convert already loaded files, too.)
- 3) Check of the editor font on start.
= (If not present, standard font offered for installation.)
- 4) OU Im/Exporter coding fixed and improved.
- 5) Bug fixes.
and more.



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