I issued version 4.0.0. Struthopodes. See the whole list of features
here Screens.
> Big release.
- 1) Animal Generator / Creator.
= (The strength of the animal at 1 is the original strength. Any other step means
10% higher. Level rises by 1 every 7 steps. There can be also negative steps,
which make the animal weaker. The attributes are automatically generated
if the checkbox above 'Now' button is checked and so the given values
are ignored at this case. Checked next button gives random values for attributes
(changed randomly by +-1/8 of the standard value). Only the attributes,
where the checkboxs before them are checked, are generated if instance-type
of creation is chosen. By prototype, everything is generated, but not
the instance. 'The Based on' settings affects most of the generated creature,
'Subtype' affects only visual and body texture. 'Proto' is the name of prototype,
'Name' is the name of instance.).
- 2) The Range of Animal Creation.
= (There is also a possibility to create a range of different beasts of one kind.
The number right to 'Create Animal' button specifies the number of creatures
generated. The first creature is the weakest at the specified strength.
Every next is stronger a bit. If 'New visual' is checked, so there is also
redefined the visual function for every generated instance. The other settings
will have effect to the creation. The 'Name' is automatically changed.).
- 3) Tenebris Creatures Creation.
= (There is 'Auto' button, which creates automatically the range of beasts of
the chosen kind. You do nothing but choose a creature, check or uncheck
'New Visual' button and click 'Auto'. Creatures A to Z will be created with
difficulty settings included and with a bit lowered level gained. No other
settings - with exception of 'Name' - will have effect by auto creation.).
- 4) Diakreion Gothic Music Player Updated to v1.1.0. - Svadilfari.
= (Now changing the duration will change it realtime, considering already played
time. I also added Player Tracker, which is only read-only. I also added some
info about file / segment, and more).
- 5) Image Zoomer.
= (By clicking on any image on the left panel the image gets big over most all
the screen with all its details.).
- 6) Diakreion FAQ.
- 7) Diakreion User Panel.
= (I simplified the using of Diakreion for none-modders and made the User Panel.
I put there everything needed for users. The panel is implicitly showed
at start of Diakreion, accumulating for example the starters of Diakreion
Gothic Music Player and Diakreion Texture Editor / Converter.).
- 8) New Settings: Texts Moving To The Right.
= (The movable texts can run to the left or right, depending on this settings.
It affects also the Diakreion Gothic Music Player v1.1.0+).
- 9) Warning while closing Diakreion if there are some unsaved modified files.
- 10) Last Edited File In Front.
= (After you leave Diakreion, Diakreion will remember the last active page and
by the reopening Diakreion, Diakreion turns the page in front again.).
- 11) Design Changes.
= (For example: Lot of windows got the X (closing) button.).
- 12) Text Selection Info in Editor.
= (You see information like 'Sel-14-19-110', which means the start line, the end
line and the length of the selection text in editor.).
- 13) Delete File Content.
= (In 'Edit' menu there is new button. By clicking, the content of actual file is
deleted. It erases only content in Diakreion, so you must save file to
delete content of a saved file.).
- 14) Fix Me At Random in NPC Appearance Updater.
= (Now, if you generate a face, you may fix some of the attributes, so only
the chosen attributes will be generated and the rest will be fixed.).
- 15) Searcher Update.
= (In the 'Search' edit on the main window or in 'Advanced Search' you may
write your search term and then click 'Enter'. The search goes in circles,
so if you find your last term, then the search continues again automatically
from the beginning of the file.
- 16) Bug fixes.
and more.