Assertion Failed i Access Violation 26346 40

O temacie

Autor Bogdan Zwei

Zaczęty 4.11.2011 roku

Wyświetleń 26346

Odpowiedzi 40

Bogdan Zwei

Bogdan Zwei

Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
  • Użytkownicy
  • Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
Otóż mam taki problem, że jak włączam spacera, to wyskakują mi dwa błędy: Assertion Failed i Access Violation.
Nie wiecie może, co jest grane? Gothic mi normalnie chodzi, nie mam ŻADNYCH błędów, tylko spacer mi nie działa, a re-instalowałem Gothic'a już z 5 do 10 razy i dalej nic.
Re-instalacja Spacera też nic nie daje.

PS.: Jak temat dałem w złym miejscu, to przepraszam i proszę o przeniesienie.
:ok: zachęca do dalszej pomocy. Nie zapominaj o tym!

Prywatne wiadomości typu "Ej, pomocy" kasuję od razu. Od tego jest forum, a nie PW.

To me, defeat in anything is merely temporary, and its punishment is but an urge for me to greater effort to achieve my goal. Defeat simply tells me that something is wrong in my doing; it is a path leading to success and truth.

In order to realize our true self we must be willing to live without being dependent upon the opinion of others.



  • Użytkownicy
To jest typowe dla spacer'a mi pomogła reinstalacja spacer'a najlepiej na wersje 1.5 lub 1.6

A format screenów to najlepiej .bmp lub .jpg

Bogdan Zwei

Bogdan Zwei

Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
  • Użytkownicy
  • Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
EDIT!!!!: Odkryłem, że problem z Assertion Failed jest też w Gothic.exe i GothicGame.mod.

Co mogę zrobić?
:ok: zachęca do dalszej pomocy. Nie zapominaj o tym!

Prywatne wiadomości typu "Ej, pomocy" kasuję od razu. Od tego jest forum, a nie PW.

To me, defeat in anything is merely temporary, and its punishment is but an urge for me to greater effort to achieve my goal. Defeat simply tells me that something is wrong in my doing; it is a path leading to success and truth.

In order to realize our true self we must be willing to live without being dependent upon the opinion of others.



  • Użytkownicy
Zrób tak (powinno pomóc):
1. Usuń i zainstaluj jeszcze raz GOTHIC II (NK)  :lol:  
2. Pobierz G2MDK i PL Skrypty G2 (NK) polecam również Polskie menu i GothicGame.mod
3. Uruchom Spacera i zobacz czy nadal jest błąd?

A gothic 2 zainstaluj pod Gothic2ZłotaEdycja

Bogdan Zwei

Bogdan Zwei

Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
  • Użytkownicy
  • Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
Yyy... Ty umiesz czytać ze zrozumieniem? Próbowałem 10 razy i nic. Tzn. próbowałem na wszystkie sposoby WSZYSTKO.
:ok: zachęca do dalszej pomocy. Nie zapominaj o tym!

Prywatne wiadomości typu "Ej, pomocy" kasuję od razu. Od tego jest forum, a nie PW.

To me, defeat in anything is merely temporary, and its punishment is but an urge for me to greater effort to achieve my goal. Defeat simply tells me that something is wrong in my doing; it is a path leading to success and truth.

In order to realize our true self we must be willing to live without being dependent upon the opinion of others.

  • Gość
Yyy... Ty umiesz czytać ze zrozumieniem? Próbowałem 10 razy i nic. Tzn. próbowałem na wszystkie sposoby WSZYSTKO.
Skoro wszystko próbowałeś to co my ci mamy wymyślić?  :facepalm:

Bogdan Zwei

Bogdan Zwei

Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
  • Użytkownicy
  • Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
Hmm... Nie wiem, może ktoś z Team TheModders będzie wiedział o co chodzi, ale z tego co widzę, to są zbyt leniwi, żeby wejść na ten temat. :D  (Nie żebym was obrażał, TM ^^ )

Tutaj macie opisane troszkę podobnie, ale z muzyką. :)
:ok: zachęca do dalszej pomocy. Nie zapominaj o tym!

Prywatne wiadomości typu "Ej, pomocy" kasuję od razu. Od tego jest forum, a nie PW.

To me, defeat in anything is merely temporary, and its punishment is but an urge for me to greater effort to achieve my goal. Defeat simply tells me that something is wrong in my doing; it is a path leading to success and truth.

In order to realize our true self we must be willing to live without being dependent upon the opinion of others.

Bogdan Zwei

Bogdan Zwei

Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
  • Użytkownicy
  • Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
Wiecie co?.. Dam wam tu zawartość pliku Spacer2.rpt. Może dzięki temu czegoś się dowiecie. Ja to studiowałem dziś 2h.
[code]//======================ASSERTION FAILED======================
//======================ASSERTION FAILED======================
Assertion failed: readSize<READ_BUFFER_SIZE in file P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_dieter\zArchiver2.cpp, Line: 1429
Reason: 0
EAX=00000000  EBX=0098814C  ECX=00004432  EDX=7C90E514  ESI=092834A9
EDI=009883C0  EBP=0149D968  ESP=0149D5E8  EIP=00695CBB  FLG=00010246
CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000
//=====================  INFOS =========================
Spacer II - 2.6 (mod), Parser Version: 50
User:  Właściciel,  CPUType: 586,  Mem: 2048 MB total, 2048 MB free
//====================== CALLSTACK ========================
001B:006AAA0F (0x0149FB44 0x008C6FA7 0x00000004 0x006AA654) Spacer2.exe, zCArchiverBinSafe::ReadHeader()+751 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_dieter\zArchiver2.cpp, line 1429+138 byte(s)

//===================== MODULES =======================

Module list: names, addresses, sizes, time stamps and file times:
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\Spacer2.exe, loaded at 0x00400000 - 12876500 bytes - 3fb47971 - file date is 2/6/2004 02:06:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\xpsp2res.dll, loaded at 0x02010000 - 2953216 bytes - 4802454c - file date is 4/13/2008 23:08:00
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\BugslayerUtil.dll, loaded at 0x03000000 - 32827 bytes - 37f8d416 - file date is 10/4/1999 17:22:48
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\vdfs32g.dll, loaded at 0x04000000 - 93696 bytes - 2a425e19 - file date is 1/22/2003 01:30:00
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\mss32.dll, loaded at 0x21100000 - 370688 bytes - 3e767330 - file date is 3/17/2003 17:15:30
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\binkw32.dll, loaded at 0x30000000 - 375808 bytes - 3e9e0f4d - file date is 4/16/2003 19:19:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINHTTP.dll, loaded at 0x4d530000 - 354816 bytes - 4a93acb1 - file date is 8/25/2009 10:19:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmime.dll, loaded at 0x5ad00000 - 181248 bytes - 48038e42 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll, loaded at 0x5b1d0000 - 219648 bytes - 480391e5 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEPRO32.DLL, loaded at 0x5f260000 - 84992 bytes - 480391b4 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:46
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\msdbi.dll, loaded at 0x63420000 - 102672 bytes - 37715ac8 - file date is 6/23/1999 16:08:10
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\snxhk.dll, loaded at 0x64d00000 - 199792 bytes - 4dc92987 - file date is 5/10/2011 13:10:56
C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll, loaded at 0x68000000 - 208384 bytes - 47dfd424 - file date is 4/13/2008 22:07:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\HID.DLL, loaded at 0x68df0000 - 20992 bytes - 48038ee9 - file date is 4/14/2008 22:09:56
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmusic.dll, loaded at 0x6cec0000 - 104448 bytes - 48038e48 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:28
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmsynth.dll, loaded at 0x6cee0000 - 103424 bytes - 48038e47 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:28
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmloader.dll, loaded at 0x6cf50000 - 35840 bytes - 48038e43 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmcompos.dll, loaded at 0x6d0e0000 - 61440 bytes - 48038e3f - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\netapi32.dll, loaded at 0x6ff40000 - 337408 bytes - 48f61c27 - file date is 10/15/2008 17:36:56
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\imagehl2.dll, loaded at 0x71460000 - 85264 bytes - 35da03d4 - file date is 8/18/1998 09:47:18
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2HELP.dll, loaded at 0x71a40000 - 19968 bytes - 48039238 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:51:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll, loaded at 0x71a50000 - 82432 bytes - 48039237 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:51:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WSOCK32.dll, loaded at 0x71a70000 - 24064 bytes - 48039244 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:51:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DINPUT.dll, loaded at 0x72230000 - 163328 bytes - 48038e39 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SensApi.dll, loaded at 0x72260000 - 7168 bytes - 480391b8 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msacm32.drv, loaded at 0x72ca0000 - 20992 bytes - 3bd98edb - file date is 3/2/2006 13:00:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wdmaud.drv, loaded at 0x72cb0000 - 23552 bytes - 480391f6 - file date is 4/14/2008 22:51:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINSPOOL.DRV, loaded at 0x72f90000 - 146432 bytes - 480391fb - file date is 4/14/2008 21:51:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DDRAW.dll, loaded at 0x736f0000 - 279552 bytes - 48038e26 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:22
C:\WINDOWS\system32\D3DIM700.DLL, loaded at 0x738d0000 - 824320 bytes - 48038e18 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:22
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DCIMAN32.dll, loaded at 0x73b50000 - 8704 bytes - 48038e25 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:22
C:\WINDOWS\system32\KsUser.dll, loaded at 0x73e70000 - 4096 bytes - 48038fe6 - file date is 4/14/2008 22:50:36
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DSOUND.dll, loaded at 0x73ea0000 - 367616 bytes - 48038e63 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:30
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll, loaded at 0x746d0000 - 297984 bytes - 4803905d - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:38
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msctfime.ime, loaded at 0x75180000 - 177152 bytes - 4803905e - file date is 4/14/2008 21:43:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.DLL, loaded at 0x76360000 - 110080 bytes - 48038f44 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:34
C:\WINDOWS\system32\comdlg32.dll, loaded at 0x76380000 - 280064 bytes - 48038de9 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:14
C:\WINDOWS\system32\cryptnet.dll, loaded at 0x765b0000 - 64512 bytes - 48038dfb - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:18
C:\WINDOWS\system32\userenv.dll, loaded at 0x769a0000 - 732672 bytes - 480391e3 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINMM.dll, loaded at 0x76b20000 - 178176 bytes - 48039206 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\PSAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x76be0000 - 23040 bytes - 480391a5 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINTRUST.dll, loaded at 0x76c20000 - 177664 bytes - 4b331295 - file date is 12/24/2009 08:04:54
C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMAGEHLP.dll, loaded at 0x76c80000 - 144384 bytes - 48038f35 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:34
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WLDAP32.dll, loaded at 0x76f50000 - 172544 bytes - 48039202 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\CLBCATQ.DLL, loaded at 0x76fc0000 - 498688 bytes - 48038dd9 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:12
C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMRes.dll, loaded at 0x77040000 - 822272 bytes - 48038dee - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:16
C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEAUT32.dll, loaded at 0x77110000 - 551936 bytes - 4d0f9318 - file date is 12/20/2010 18:32:08
C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\X86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.6028_x-ww_61e65202\COMCTL32.dll, loaded at 0x773c0000 - 1054208 bytes - 4c729e05 - file date is 8/23/2010 17:12:54
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll, loaded at 0x774d0000 - 1287680 bytes - 4c4049f1 - file date is 7/16/2010 13:00:50
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SETUPAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x77910000 - 997888 bytes - 480391bc - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:48
C:\WINDOWS\system32\CRYPT32.dll, loaded at 0x77a70000 - 602624 bytes - 4e82c782 - file date is 9/28/2011 08:06:42
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSASN1.dll, loaded at 0x77b10000 - 58880 bytes - 4aa1811f - file date is 9/4/2009 22:05:36
C:\WINDOWS\system32\midimap.dll, loaded at 0x77bc0000 - 18944 bytes - 4803901d - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:36
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSACM32.dll, loaded at 0x77bd0000 - 71680 bytes - 48039048 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:38
C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll, loaded at 0x77bf0000 - 18944 bytes - 480391e6 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll, loaded at 0x77c00000 - 343040 bytes - 480390b9 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:40
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll, loaded at 0x77dc0000 - 686592 bytes - 49900b38 - file date is 2/9/2009 11:53:44
C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll, loaded at 0x77e70000 - 590848 bytes - 4c68fa95 - file date is 8/16/2010 09:45:10
C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll, loaded at 0x77f10000 - 286720 bytes - 49007141 - file date is 10/23/2008 13:42:42
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHLWAPI.dll, loaded at 0x77f60000 - 474112 bytes - 4b1e1b98 - file date is 12/8/2009 10:25:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\Secur32.dll, loaded at 0x77fe0000 - 56832 bytes - 4a43350a - file date is 6/25/2009 09:27:54
C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll, loaded at 0x7c800000 - 1018368 bytes - 49c4f4fb - file date is 3/21/2009 15:09:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll, loaded at 0x7c900000 - 726528 bytes - 4d00f28d - file date is 12/9/2010 16:15:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll, loaded at 0x7c9c0000 - 8491008 bytes - 4d399bbb - file date is 1/21/2011 15:44:12
C:\WINDOWS\system32\oledlg.dll, loaded at 0x7dfc0000 - 123392 bytes - 480391b2 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll, loaded at 0x7e360000 - 580096 bytes - 480391e2 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
//======================UNHANDLED EXCEPTION======================
//======================UNHANDLED EXCEPTION======================
Spacer2.exe caused a EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module Spacer2.exe at 001B:006AAA4E, zCArchiverBinSafe::ReadHeader()+814 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_dieter\zArchiver2.cpp, line 1435+16 byte(s)
EAX=69686372  EBX=00006E69  ECX=00006E69  EDX=00004120  ESI=09315FD8
EDI=0149D9F6  EBP=008E2BD0  ESP=0149D978  EIP=006AAA4E  FLG=00010202
CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000
//=====================  INFOS =========================
Spacer II - 2.6 (mod), Parser Version: 50
User:  Właściciel,  CPUType: 586,  Mem: 2048 MB total, 2048 MB free
//====================== CALLSTACK ========================
001B:006AAA4E (0xFFFFFFFF 0x006AA654 0x09259008 0x09315FD8) Spacer2.exe, zCArchiverBinSafe::ReadHeader()+814 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_dieter\zArchiver2.cpp, line 1435+16 byte(s)
001B:008C6FA7 (0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000) Spacer2.exe, COleObjectFactory::RevokeAll()+245578 byte(s)

//===================== MODULES =======================

Module list: names, addresses, sizes, time stamps and file times:
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\Spacer2.exe, loaded at 0x00400000 - 12876500 bytes - 3fb47971 - file date is 2/6/2004 02:06:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\xpsp2res.dll, loaded at 0x02010000 - 2953216 bytes - 4802454c - file date is 4/13/2008 23:08:00
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\BugslayerUtil.dll, loaded at 0x03000000 - 32827 bytes - 37f8d416 - file date is 10/4/1999 17:22:48
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\vdfs32g.dll, loaded at 0x04000000 - 93696 bytes - 2a425e19 - file date is 1/22/2003 01:30:00
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\mss32.dll, loaded at 0x21100000 - 370688 bytes - 3e767330 - file date is 3/17/2003 17:15:30
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\binkw32.dll, loaded at 0x30000000 - 375808 bytes - 3e9e0f4d - file date is 4/16/2003 19:19:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINHTTP.dll, loaded at 0x4d530000 - 354816 bytes - 4a93acb1 - file date is 8/25/2009 10:19:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmime.dll, loaded at 0x5ad00000 - 181248 bytes - 48038e42 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll, loaded at 0x5b1d0000 - 219648 bytes - 480391e5 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEPRO32.DLL, loaded at 0x5f260000 - 84992 bytes - 480391b4 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:46
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\msdbi.dll, loaded at 0x63420000 - 102672 bytes - 37715ac8 - file date is 6/23/1999 16:08:10
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\snxhk.dll, loaded at 0x64d00000 - 199792 bytes - 4dc92987 - file date is 5/10/2011 13:10:56
C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll, loaded at 0x68000000 - 208384 bytes - 47dfd424 - file date is 4/13/2008 22:07:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\HID.DLL, loaded at 0x68df0000 - 20992 bytes - 48038ee9 - file date is 4/14/2008 22:09:56
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmusic.dll, loaded at 0x6cec0000 - 104448 bytes - 48038e48 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:28
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmsynth.dll, loaded at 0x6cee0000 - 103424 bytes - 48038e47 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:28
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmloader.dll, loaded at 0x6cf50000 - 35840 bytes - 48038e43 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmcompos.dll, loaded at 0x6d0e0000 - 61440 bytes - 48038e3f - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\netapi32.dll, loaded at 0x6ff40000 - 337408 bytes - 48f61c27 - file date is 10/15/2008 17:36:56
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\imagehl2.dll, loaded at 0x71460000 - 85264 bytes - 35da03d4 - file date is 8/18/1998 09:47:18
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2HELP.dll, loaded at 0x71a40000 - 19968 bytes - 48039238 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:51:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll, loaded at 0x71a50000 - 82432 bytes - 48039237 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:51:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WSOCK32.dll, loaded at 0x71a70000 - 24064 bytes - 48039244 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:51:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DINPUT.dll, loaded at 0x72230000 - 163328 bytes - 48038e39 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SensApi.dll, loaded at 0x72260000 - 7168 bytes - 480391b8 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msacm32.drv, loaded at 0x72ca0000 - 20992 bytes - 3bd98edb - file date is 3/2/2006 13:00:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wdmaud.drv, loaded at 0x72cb0000 - 23552 bytes - 480391f6 - file date is 4/14/2008 22:51:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINSPOOL.DRV, loaded at 0x72f90000 - 146432 bytes - 480391fb - file date is 4/14/2008 21:51:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DDRAW.dll, loaded at 0x736f0000 - 279552 bytes - 48038e26 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:22
C:\WINDOWS\system32\D3DIM700.DLL, loaded at 0x738d0000 - 824320 bytes - 48038e18 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:22
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DCIMAN32.dll, loaded at 0x73b50000 - 8704 bytes - 48038e25 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:22
C:\WINDOWS\system32\KsUser.dll, loaded at 0x73e70000 - 4096 bytes - 48038fe6 - file date is 4/14/2008 22:50:36
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DSOUND.dll, loaded at 0x73ea0000 - 367616 bytes - 48038e63 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:30
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll, loaded at 0x746d0000 - 297984 bytes - 4803905d - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:38
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msctfime.ime, loaded at 0x75180000 - 177152 bytes - 4803905e - file date is 4/14/2008 21:43:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.DLL, loaded at 0x76360000 - 110080 bytes - 48038f44 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:34
C:\WINDOWS\system32\comdlg32.dll, loaded at 0x76380000 - 280064 bytes - 48038de9 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:14
C:\WINDOWS\system32\cryptnet.dll, loaded at 0x765b0000 - 64512 bytes - 48038dfb - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:18
C:\WINDOWS\system32\userenv.dll, loaded at 0x769a0000 - 732672 bytes - 480391e3 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINMM.dll, loaded at 0x76b20000 - 178176 bytes - 48039206 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\PSAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x76be0000 - 23040 bytes - 480391a5 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINTRUST.dll, loaded at 0x76c20000 - 177664 bytes - 4b331295 - file date is 12/24/2009 08:04:54
C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMAGEHLP.dll, loaded at 0x76c80000 - 144384 bytes - 48038f35 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:34
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WLDAP32.dll, loaded at 0x76f50000 - 172544 bytes - 48039202 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\CLBCATQ.DLL, loaded at 0x76fc0000 - 498688 bytes - 48038dd9 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:12
C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMRes.dll, loaded at 0x77040000 - 822272 bytes - 48038dee - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:16
C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEAUT32.dll, loaded at 0x77110000 - 551936 bytes - 4d0f9318 - file date is 12/20/2010 18:32:08
C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\X86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.6028_x-ww_61e65202\COMCTL32.dll, loaded at 0x773c0000 - 1054208 bytes - 4c729e05 - file date is 8/23/2010 17:12:54
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll, loaded at 0x774d0000 - 1287680 bytes - 4c4049f1 - file date is 7/16/2010 13:00:50
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SETUPAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x77910000 - 997888 bytes - 480391bc - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:48
C:\WINDOWS\system32\CRYPT32.dll, loaded at 0x77a70000 - 602624 bytes - 4e82c782 - file date is 9/28/2011 08:06:42
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSASN1.dll, loaded at 0x77b10000 - 58880 bytes - 4aa1811f - file date is 9/4/2009 22:05:36
C:\WINDOWS\system32\midimap.dll, loaded at 0x77bc0000 - 18944 bytes - 4803901d - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:36
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSACM32.dll, loaded at 0x77bd0000 - 71680 bytes - 48039048 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:38
C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll, loaded at 0x77bf0000 - 18944 bytes - 480391e6 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll, loaded at 0x77c00000 - 343040 bytes - 480390b9 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:40
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll, loaded at 0x77dc0000 - 686592 bytes - 49900b38 - file date is 2/9/2009 11:53:44
C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll, loaded at 0x77e70000 - 590848 bytes - 4c68fa95 - file date is 8/16/2010 09:45:10
C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll, loaded at 0x77f10000 - 286720 bytes - 49007141 - file date is 10/23/2008 13:42:42
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHLWAPI.dll, loaded at 0x77f60000 - 474112 bytes - 4b1e1b98 - file date is 12/8/2009 10:25:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\Secur32.dll, loaded at 0x77fe0000 - 56832 bytes - 4a43350a - file date is 6/25/2009 09:27:54
C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll, loaded at 0x7c800000 - 1018368 bytes - 49c4f4fb - file date is 3/21/2009 15:09:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll, loaded at 0x7c900000 - 726528 bytes - 4d00f28d - file date is 12/9/2010 16:15:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll, loaded at 0x7c9c0000 - 8491008 bytes - 4d399bbb - file date is 1/21/2011 15:44:12
C:\WINDOWS\system32\oledlg.dll, loaded at 0x7dfc0000 - 123392 bytes - 480391b2 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll, loaded at 0x7e360000 - 580096 bytes - 480391e2 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
//======================ASSERTION FAILED======================
//======================ASSERTION FAILED======================
Assertion failed: readSize<READ_BUFFER_SIZE in file P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_dieter\zArchiver2.cpp, Line: 1429
Reason: 0
EAX=00000000  EBX=0098814C  ECX=0000C26A  EDX=7C90E514  ESI=092825E9
EDI=009883C0  EBP=0149D968  ESP=0149D5E8  EIP=00695CBB  FLG=00010246
CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000
//=====================  INFOS =========================
Spacer II - 2.6 (mod), Parser Version: 50
User:  Właściciel,  CPUType: 586,  Mem: 2048 MB total, 2048 MB free
//====================== CALLSTACK ========================
001B:006AAA0F (0x0149FB44 0x008C6FA7 0x00000004 0x006AA654) Spacer2.exe, zCArchiverBinSafe::ReadHeader()+751 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_dieter\zArchiver2.cpp, line 1429+138 byte(s)

//===================== MODULES =======================

Module list: names, addresses, sizes, time stamps and file times:
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\Spacer2.exe, loaded at 0x00400000 - 12876500 bytes - 3fb47971 - file date is 2/6/2004 02:06:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\xpsp2res.dll, loaded at 0x020c0000 - 2953216 bytes - 4802454c - file date is 4/13/2008 23:08:00
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\BugslayerUtil.dll, loaded at 0x03000000 - 32827 bytes - 37f8d416 - file date is 10/4/1999 17:22:48
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\vdfs32g.dll, loaded at 0x04000000 - 93696 bytes - 2a425e19 - file date is 1/22/2003 01:30:00
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\mss32.dll, loaded at 0x21100000 - 370688 bytes - 3e767330 - file date is 3/17/2003 17:15:30
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\binkw32.dll, loaded at 0x30000000 - 375808 bytes - 3e9e0f4d - file date is 4/16/2003 19:19:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINHTTP.dll, loaded at 0x4d530000 - 354816 bytes - 4a93acb1 - file date is 8/25/2009 10:19:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmime.dll, loaded at 0x5ad00000 - 181248 bytes - 48038e42 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll, loaded at 0x5b1d0000 - 219648 bytes - 480391e5 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEPRO32.DLL, loaded at 0x5f260000 - 84992 bytes - 480391b4 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:46
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\msdbi.dll, loaded at 0x63420000 - 102672 bytes - 37715ac8 - file date is 6/23/1999 16:08:10
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\snxhk.dll, loaded at 0x64d00000 - 199792 bytes - 4dc92987 - file date is 5/10/2011 13:10:56
C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll, loaded at 0x68000000 - 208384 bytes - 47dfd424 - file date is 4/13/2008 22:07:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\HID.DLL, loaded at 0x68df0000 - 20992 bytes - 48038ee9 - file date is 4/14/2008 22:09:56
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmusic.dll, loaded at 0x6cec0000 - 104448 bytes - 48038e48 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:28
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmsynth.dll, loaded at 0x6cee0000 - 103424 bytes - 48038e47 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:28
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmloader.dll, loaded at 0x6cf50000 - 35840 bytes - 48038e43 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmcompos.dll, loaded at 0x6d0e0000 - 61440 bytes - 48038e3f - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\netapi32.dll, loaded at 0x6ff40000 - 337408 bytes - 48f61c27 - file date is 10/15/2008 17:36:56
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\imagehl2.dll, loaded at 0x71460000 - 85264 bytes - 35da03d4 - file date is 8/18/1998 09:47:18
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2HELP.dll, loaded at 0x71a40000 - 19968 bytes - 48039238 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:51:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll, loaded at 0x71a50000 - 82432 bytes - 48039237 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:51:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WSOCK32.dll, loaded at 0x71a70000 - 24064 bytes - 48039244 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:51:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DINPUT.dll, loaded at 0x72230000 - 163328 bytes - 48038e39 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SensApi.dll, loaded at 0x72260000 - 7168 bytes - 480391b8 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msacm32.drv, loaded at 0x72ca0000 - 20992 bytes - 3bd98edb - file date is 3/2/2006 13:00:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wdmaud.drv, loaded at 0x72cb0000 - 23552 bytes - 480391f6 - file date is 4/14/2008 22:51:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINSPOOL.DRV, loaded at 0x72f90000 - 146432 bytes - 480391fb - file date is 4/14/2008 21:51:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DDRAW.dll, loaded at 0x736f0000 - 279552 bytes - 48038e26 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:22
C:\WINDOWS\system32\D3DIM700.DLL, loaded at 0x738d0000 - 824320 bytes - 48038e18 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:22
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DCIMAN32.dll, loaded at 0x73b50000 - 8704 bytes - 48038e25 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:22
C:\WINDOWS\system32\KsUser.dll, loaded at 0x73e70000 - 4096 bytes - 48038fe6 - file date is 4/14/2008 22:50:36
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DSOUND.dll, loaded at 0x73ea0000 - 367616 bytes - 48038e63 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:30
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll, loaded at 0x746d0000 - 297984 bytes - 4803905d - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:38
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msctfime.ime, loaded at 0x75180000 - 177152 bytes - 4803905e - file date is 4/14/2008 21:43:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.DLL, loaded at 0x76360000 - 110080 bytes - 48038f44 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:34
C:\WINDOWS\system32\comdlg32.dll, loaded at 0x76380000 - 280064 bytes - 48038de9 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:14
C:\WINDOWS\system32\cryptnet.dll, loaded at 0x765b0000 - 64512 bytes - 48038dfb - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:18
C:\WINDOWS\system32\userenv.dll, loaded at 0x769a0000 - 732672 bytes - 480391e3 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINMM.dll, loaded at 0x76b20000 - 178176 bytes - 48039206 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\PSAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x76be0000 - 23040 bytes - 480391a5 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINTRUST.dll, loaded at 0x76c20000 - 177664 bytes - 4b331295 - file date is 12/24/2009 08:04:54
C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMAGEHLP.dll, loaded at 0x76c80000 - 144384 bytes - 48038f35 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:34
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WLDAP32.dll, loaded at 0x76f50000 - 172544 bytes - 48039202 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\CLBCATQ.DLL, loaded at 0x76fc0000 - 498688 bytes - 48038dd9 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:12
C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMRes.dll, loaded at 0x77040000 - 822272 bytes - 48038dee - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:16
C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEAUT32.dll, loaded at 0x77110000 - 551936 bytes - 4d0f9318 - file date is 12/20/2010 18:32:08
C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\X86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.6028_x-ww_61e65202\COMCTL32.dll, loaded at 0x773c0000 - 1054208 bytes - 4c729e05 - file date is 8/23/2010 17:12:54
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll, loaded at 0x774d0000 - 1287680 bytes - 4c4049f1 - file date is 7/16/2010 13:00:50
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SETUPAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x77910000 - 997888 bytes - 480391bc - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:48
C:\WINDOWS\system32\CRYPT32.dll, loaded at 0x77a70000 - 602624 bytes - 4e82c782 - file date is 9/28/2011 08:06:42
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSASN1.dll, loaded at 0x77b10000 - 58880 bytes - 4aa1811f - file date is 9/4/2009 22:05:36
C:\WINDOWS\system32\midimap.dll, loaded at 0x77bc0000 - 18944 bytes - 4803901d - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:36
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSACM32.dll, loaded at 0x77bd0000 - 71680 bytes - 48039048 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:38
C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll, loaded at 0x77bf0000 - 18944 bytes - 480391e6 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll, loaded at 0x77c00000 - 343040 bytes - 480390b9 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:40
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll, loaded at 0x77dc0000 - 686592 bytes - 49900b38 - file date is 2/9/2009 11:53:44
C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll, loaded at 0x77e70000 - 590848 bytes - 4c68fa95 - file date is 8/16/2010 09:45:10
C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll, loaded at 0x77f10000 - 286720 bytes - 49007141 - file date is 10/23/2008 13:42:42
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHLWAPI.dll, loaded at 0x77f60000 - 474112 bytes - 4b1e1b98 - file date is 12/8/2009 10:25:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\Secur32.dll, loaded at 0x77fe0000 - 56832 bytes - 4a43350a - file date is 6/25/2009 09:27:54
C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll, loaded at 0x7c800000 - 1018368 bytes - 49c4f4fb - file date is 3/21/2009 15:09:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll, loaded at 0x7c900000 - 726528 bytes - 4d00f28d - file date is 12/9/2010 16:15:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll, loaded at 0x7c9c0000 - 8491008 bytes - 4d399bbb - file date is 1/21/2011 15:44:12
C:\WINDOWS\system32\oledlg.dll, loaded at 0x7dfc0000 - 123392 bytes - 480391b2 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll, loaded at 0x7e360000 - 580096 bytes - 480391e2 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
//======================UNHANDLED EXCEPTION======================
//======================UNHANDLED EXCEPTION======================
Spacer2.exe caused a EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module Spacer2.exe at 001B:006AAA4E, zCArchiverBinSafe::ReadHeader()+814 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_dieter\zArchiver2.cpp, line 1435+16 byte(s)
EAX=69686372  EBX=00006E69  ECX=00006E69  EDX=00004120  ESI=09314FF0
EDI=0149D9F6  EBP=008E2BD0  ESP=0149D978  EIP=006AAA4E  FLG=00010202
CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000
//=====================  INFOS =========================
Spacer II - 2.6 (mod), Parser Version: 50
User:  Właściciel,  CPUType: 586,  Mem: 2048 MB total, 2048 MB free
//====================== CALLSTACK ========================
001B:006AAA4E (0xFFFFFFFF 0x006AA654 0x09257008 0x09314FF0) Spacer2.exe, zCArchiverBinSafe::ReadHeader()+814 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_dieter\zArchiver2.cpp, line 1435+16 byte(s)
001B:008C6FA7 (0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000) Spacer2.exe, COleObjectFactory::RevokeAll()+245578 byte(s)

//===================== MODULES =======================

Module list: names, addresses, sizes, time stamps and file times:
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\Spacer2.exe, loaded at 0x00400000 - 12876500 bytes - 3fb47971 - file date is 2/6/2004 02:06:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\xpsp2res.dll, loaded at 0x020c0000 - 2953216 bytes - 4802454c - file date is 4/13/2008 23:08:00
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\BugslayerUtil.dll, loaded at 0x03000000 - 32827 bytes - 37f8d416 - file date is 10/4/1999 17:22:48
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\vdfs32g.dll, loaded at 0x04000000 - 93696 bytes - 2a425e19 - file date is 1/22/2003 01:30:00
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\mss32.dll, loaded at 0x21100000 - 370688 bytes - 3e767330 - file date is 3/17/2003 17:15:30
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\binkw32.dll, loaded at 0x30000000 - 375808 bytes - 3e9e0f4d - file date is 4/16/2003 19:19:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINHTTP.dll, loaded at 0x4d530000 - 354816 bytes - 4a93acb1 - file date is 8/25/2009 10:19:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmime.dll, loaded at 0x5ad00000 - 181248 bytes - 48038e42 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll, loaded at 0x5b1d0000 - 219648 bytes - 480391e5 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEPRO32.DLL, loaded at 0x5f260000 - 84992 bytes - 480391b4 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:46
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\msdbi.dll, loaded at 0x63420000 - 102672 bytes - 37715ac8 - file date is 6/23/1999 16:08:10
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\snxhk.dll, loaded at 0x64d00000 - 199792 bytes - 4dc92987 - file date is 5/10/2011 13:10:56
C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll, loaded at 0x68000000 - 208384 bytes - 47dfd424 - file date is 4/13/2008 22:07:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\HID.DLL, loaded at 0x68df0000 - 20992 bytes - 48038ee9 - file date is 4/14/2008 22:09:56
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmusic.dll, loaded at 0x6cec0000 - 104448 bytes - 48038e48 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:28
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmsynth.dll, loaded at 0x6cee0000 - 103424 bytes - 48038e47 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:28
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmloader.dll, loaded at 0x6cf50000 - 35840 bytes - 48038e43 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmcompos.dll, loaded at 0x6d0e0000 - 61440 bytes - 48038e3f - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\netapi32.dll, loaded at 0x6ff40000 - 337408 bytes - 48f61c27 - file date is 10/15/2008 17:36:56
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\imagehl2.dll, loaded at 0x71460000 - 85264 bytes - 35da03d4 - file date is 8/18/1998 09:47:18
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2HELP.dll, loaded at 0x71a40000 - 19968 bytes - 48039238 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:51:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll, loaded at 0x71a50000 - 82432 bytes - 48039237 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:51:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WSOCK32.dll, loaded at 0x71a70000 - 24064 bytes - 48039244 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:51:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DINPUT.dll, loaded at 0x72230000 - 163328 bytes - 48038e39 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SensApi.dll, loaded at 0x72260000 - 7168 bytes - 480391b8 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msacm32.drv, loaded at 0x72ca0000 - 20992 bytes - 3bd98edb - file date is 3/2/2006 13:00:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wdmaud.drv, loaded at 0x72cb0000 - 23552 bytes - 480391f6 - file date is 4/14/2008 22:51:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINSPOOL.DRV, loaded at 0x72f90000 - 146432 bytes - 480391fb - file date is 4/14/2008 21:51:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DDRAW.dll, loaded at 0x736f0000 - 279552 bytes - 48038e26 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:22
C:\WINDOWS\system32\D3DIM700.DLL, loaded at 0x738d0000 - 824320 bytes - 48038e18 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:22
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DCIMAN32.dll, loaded at 0x73b50000 - 8704 bytes - 48038e25 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:22
C:\WINDOWS\system32\KsUser.dll, loaded at 0x73e70000 - 4096 bytes - 48038fe6 - file date is 4/14/2008 22:50:36
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DSOUND.dll, loaded at 0x73ea0000 - 367616 bytes - 48038e63 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:30
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll, loaded at 0x746d0000 - 297984 bytes - 4803905d - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:38
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msctfime.ime, loaded at 0x75180000 - 177152 bytes - 4803905e - file date is 4/14/2008 21:43:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.DLL, loaded at 0x76360000 - 110080 bytes - 48038f44 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:34
C:\WINDOWS\system32\comdlg32.dll, loaded at 0x76380000 - 280064 bytes - 48038de9 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:14
C:\WINDOWS\system32\cryptnet.dll, loaded at 0x765b0000 - 64512 bytes - 48038dfb - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:18
C:\WINDOWS\system32\userenv.dll, loaded at 0x769a0000 - 732672 bytes - 480391e3 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINMM.dll, loaded at 0x76b20000 - 178176 bytes - 48039206 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\PSAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x76be0000 - 23040 bytes - 480391a5 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINTRUST.dll, loaded at 0x76c20000 - 177664 bytes - 4b331295 - file date is 12/24/2009 08:04:54
C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMAGEHLP.dll, loaded at 0x76c80000 - 144384 bytes - 48038f35 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:34
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WLDAP32.dll, loaded at 0x76f50000 - 172544 bytes - 48039202 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\CLBCATQ.DLL, loaded at 0x76fc0000 - 498688 bytes - 48038dd9 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:12
C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMRes.dll, loaded at 0x77040000 - 822272 bytes - 48038dee - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:16
C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEAUT32.dll, loaded at 0x77110000 - 551936 bytes - 4d0f9318 - file date is 12/20/2010 18:32:08
C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\X86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.6028_x-ww_61e65202\COMCTL32.dll, loaded at 0x773c0000 - 1054208 bytes - 4c729e05 - file date is 8/23/2010 17:12:54
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll, loaded at 0x774d0000 - 1287680 bytes - 4c4049f1 - file date is 7/16/2010 13:00:50
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SETUPAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x77910000 - 997888 bytes - 480391bc - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:48
C:\WINDOWS\system32\CRYPT32.dll, loaded at 0x77a70000 - 602624 bytes - 4e82c782 - file date is 9/28/2011 08:06:42
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSASN1.dll, loaded at 0x77b10000 - 58880 bytes - 4aa1811f - file date is 9/4/2009 22:05:36
C:\WINDOWS\system32\midimap.dll, loaded at 0x77bc0000 - 18944 bytes - 4803901d - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:36
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSACM32.dll, loaded at 0x77bd0000 - 71680 bytes - 48039048 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:38
C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll, loaded at 0x77bf0000 - 18944 bytes - 480391e6 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll, loaded at 0x77c00000 - 343040 bytes - 480390b9 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:40
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll, loaded at 0x77dc0000 - 686592 bytes - 49900b38 - file date is 2/9/2009 11:53:44
C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll, loaded at 0x77e70000 - 590848 bytes - 4c68fa95 - file date is 8/16/2010 09:45:10
C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll, loaded at 0x77f10000 - 286720 bytes - 49007141 - file date is 10/23/2008 13:42:42
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHLWAPI.dll, loaded at 0x77f60000 - 474112 bytes - 4b1e1b98 - file date is 12/8/2009 10:25:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\Secur32.dll, loaded at 0x77fe0000 - 56832 bytes - 4a43350a - file date is 6/25/2009 09:27:54
C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll, loaded at 0x7c800000 - 1018368 bytes - 49c4f4fb - file date is 3/21/2009 15:09:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll, loaded at 0x7c900000 - 726528 bytes - 4d00f28d - file date is 12/9/2010 16:15:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll, loaded at 0x7c9c0000 - 8491008 bytes - 4d399bbb - file date is 1/21/2011 15:44:12
C:\WINDOWS\system32\oledlg.dll, loaded at 0x7dfc0000 - 123392 bytes - 480391b2 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll, loaded at 0x7e360000 - 580096 bytes - 480391e2 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
//======================ASSERTION FAILED======================
//======================ASSERTION FAILED======================
Assertion failed: readSize<READ_BUFFER_SIZE in file P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_dieter\zArchiver2.cpp, Line: 1429
Reason: 0
EAX=00000000  EBX=0098814C  ECX=00002D74  EDX=7C90E514  ESI=092814A9
EDI=009883C0  EBP=0149D968  ESP=0149D5E8  EIP=00695CBB  FLG=00010246
CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000
//=====================  INFOS =========================
Spacer II - 2.6 (mod), Parser Version: 50
User:  Właściciel,  CPUType: 586,  Mem: 2048 MB total, 2048 MB free
//====================== CALLSTACK ========================
001B:006AAA0F (0x0149FB44 0x008C6FA7 0x00000004 0x006AA654) Spacer2.exe, zCArchiverBinSafe::ReadHeader()+751 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_dieter\zArchiver2.cpp, line 1429+138 byte(s)
001B:006AA73F (0xB9E4B310 0xE2317008 0x00600002 0xB9E68640) Spacer2.exe, zCArchiverBinSafe::ReadHeader()+31 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_dieter\zArchiver2.cpp, line 1393+31 byte(s)
001B:00470001 (0xB9E5D7D8 0xE2317008 0x006E0002 0xB9E7BBE8) Spacer2.exe, spcCObjPropertyList::SearchElementByTreeitem()+49 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Spacer\_bert\spcCObjPropList.cpp, line 272+1 byte(s)

//===================== MODULES =======================

Module list: names, addresses, sizes, time stamps and file times:
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\Spacer2.exe, loaded at 0x00400000 - 12876500 bytes - 3fb47971 - file date is 2/6/2004 02:06:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\xpsp2res.dll, loaded at 0x02000000 - 2953216 bytes - 4802454c - file date is 4/13/2008 23:08:00
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\BugslayerUtil.dll, loaded at 0x03000000 - 32827 bytes - 37f8d416 - file date is 10/4/1999 17:22:48
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\vdfs32g.dll, loaded at 0x04000000 - 93696 bytes - 2a425e19 - file date is 1/22/2003 01:30:00
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\mss32.dll, loaded at 0x21100000 - 370688 bytes - 3e767330 - file date is 3/17/2003 17:15:30
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\binkw32.dll, loaded at 0x30000000 - 375808 bytes - 3e9e0f4d - file date is 4/16/2003 19:19:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINHTTP.dll, loaded at 0x4d530000 - 354816 bytes - 4a93acb1 - file date is 8/25/2009 10:19:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmime.dll, loaded at 0x5ad00000 - 181248 bytes - 48038e42 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll, loaded at 0x5b1d0000 - 219648 bytes - 480391e5 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEPRO32.DLL, loaded at 0x5f260000 - 84992 bytes - 480391b4 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:46
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\msdbi.dll, loaded at 0x63420000 - 102672 bytes - 37715ac8 - file date is 6/23/1999 16:08:10
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\snxhk.dll, loaded at 0x64d00000 - 199792 bytes - 4dc92987 - file date is 5/10/2011 13:10:56
C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll, loaded at 0x68000000 - 208384 bytes - 47dfd424 - file date is 4/13/2008 22:07:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\HID.DLL, loaded at 0x68df0000 - 20992 bytes - 48038ee9 - file date is 4/14/2008 22:09:56
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmusic.dll, loaded at 0x6cec0000 - 104448 bytes - 48038e48 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:28
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmsynth.dll, loaded at 0x6cee0000 - 103424 bytes - 48038e47 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:28
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmloader.dll, loaded at 0x6cf50000 - 35840 bytes - 48038e43 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmcompos.dll, loaded at 0x6d0e0000 - 61440 bytes - 48038e3f - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\netapi32.dll, loaded at 0x6ff40000 - 337408 bytes - 48f61c27 - file date is 10/15/2008 17:36:56
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\imagehl2.dll, loaded at 0x71460000 - 85264 bytes - 35da03d4 - file date is 8/18/1998 09:47:18
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2HELP.dll, loaded at 0x71a40000 - 19968 bytes - 48039238 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:51:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll, loaded at 0x71a50000 - 82432 bytes - 48039237 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:51:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WSOCK32.dll, loaded at 0x71a70000 - 24064 bytes - 48039244 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:51:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DINPUT.dll, loaded at 0x72230000 - 163328 bytes - 48038e39 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SensApi.dll, loaded at 0x72260000 - 7168 bytes - 480391b8 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msacm32.drv, loaded at 0x72ca0000 - 20992 bytes - 3bd98edb - file date is 3/2/2006 13:00:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wdmaud.drv, loaded at 0x72cb0000 - 23552 bytes - 480391f6 - file date is 4/14/2008 22:51:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINSPOOL.DRV, loaded at 0x72f90000 - 146432 bytes - 480391fb - file date is 4/14/2008 21:51:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DDRAW.dll, loaded at 0x736f0000 - 279552 bytes - 48038e26 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:22
C:\WINDOWS\system32\D3DIM700.DLL, loaded at 0x738d0000 - 824320 bytes - 48038e18 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:22
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DCIMAN32.dll, loaded at 0x73b50000 - 8704 bytes - 48038e25 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:22
C:\WINDOWS\system32\KsUser.dll, loaded at 0x73e70000 - 4096 bytes - 48038fe6 - file date is 4/14/2008 22:50:36
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DSOUND.dll, loaded at 0x73ea0000 - 367616 bytes - 48038e63 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:30
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll, loaded at 0x746d0000 - 297984 bytes - 4803905d - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:38
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msctfime.ime, loaded at 0x75180000 - 177152 bytes - 4803905e - file date is 4/14/2008 21:43:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.DLL, loaded at 0x76360000 - 110080 bytes - 48038f44 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:34
C:\WINDOWS\system32\comdlg32.dll, loaded at 0x76380000 - 280064 bytes - 48038de9 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:14
C:\WINDOWS\system32\cryptnet.dll, loaded at 0x765b0000 - 64512 bytes - 48038dfb - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:18
C:\WINDOWS\system32\userenv.dll, loaded at 0x769a0000 - 732672 bytes - 480391e3 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINMM.dll, loaded at 0x76b20000 - 178176 bytes - 48039206 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\PSAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x76be0000 - 23040 bytes - 480391a5 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINTRUST.dll, loaded at 0x76c20000 - 177664 bytes - 4b331295 - file date is 12/24/2009 08:04:54
C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMAGEHLP.dll, loaded at 0x76c80000 - 144384 bytes - 48038f35 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:34
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WLDAP32.dll, loaded at 0x76f50000 - 172544 bytes - 48039202 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\CLBCATQ.DLL, loaded at 0x76fc0000 - 498688 bytes - 48038dd9 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:12
C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMRes.dll, loaded at 0x77040000 - 822272 bytes - 48038dee - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:16
C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEAUT32.dll, loaded at 0x77110000 - 551936 bytes - 4d0f9318 - file date is 12/20/2010 18:32:08
C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\X86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.6028_x-ww_61e65202\COMCTL32.dll, loaded at 0x773c0000 - 1054208 bytes - 4c729e05 - file date is 8/23/2010 17:12:54
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll, loaded at 0x774d0000 - 1288192 bytes - 4eb01927 - file date is 11/1/2011 17:07:04
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SETUPAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x77910000 - 997888 bytes - 480391bc - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:48
C:\WINDOWS\system32\CRYPT32.dll, loaded at 0x77a70000 - 602624 bytes - 4e82c782 - file date is 9/28/2011 08:06:42
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSASN1.dll, loaded at 0x77b10000 - 58880 bytes - 4aa1811f - file date is 9/4/2009 22:05:36
C:\WINDOWS\system32\midimap.dll, loaded at 0x77bc0000 - 18944 bytes - 4803901d - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:36
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSACM32.dll, loaded at 0x77bd0000 - 71680 bytes - 48039048 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:38
C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll, loaded at 0x77bf0000 - 18944 bytes - 480391e6 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll, loaded at 0x77c00000 - 343040 bytes - 480390b9 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:40
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll, loaded at 0x77dc0000 - 686592 bytes - 49900b38 - file date is 2/9/2009 11:53:44
C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll, loaded at 0x77e70000 - 590848 bytes - 4c68fa95 - file date is 8/16/2010 09:45:10
C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll, loaded at 0x77f10000 - 286720 bytes - 49007141 - file date is 10/23/2008 13:42:42
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHLWAPI.dll, loaded at 0x77f60000 - 474112 bytes - 4b1e1b98 - file date is 12/8/2009 10:25:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\Secur32.dll, loaded at 0x77fe0000 - 56832 bytes - 4a43350a - file date is 6/25/2009 09:27:54
C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll, loaded at 0x7c800000 - 1018368 bytes - 49c4f4fb - file date is 3/21/2009 15:09:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll, loaded at 0x7c900000 - 726528 bytes - 4d00f28d - file date is 12/9/2010 16:15:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll, loaded at 0x7c9c0000 - 8491008 bytes - 4d399bbb - file date is 1/21/2011 15:44:12
C:\WINDOWS\system32\oledlg.dll, loaded at 0x7dfc0000 - 123392 bytes - 480391b2 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll, loaded at 0x7e360000 - 580096 bytes - 480391e2 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
//======================UNHANDLED EXCEPTION======================
//======================UNHANDLED EXCEPTION======================
Spacer2.exe caused a EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT in module Spacer2.exe at 001B:00694F27, ASSERTDlgProc()+3015 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_carsten\zWin32.cpp, line 3248
EAX=00000000  EBX=00000000  ECX=00000000  EDX=00000022  ESI=00694360
EDI=0149D04C  EBP=0149D010  ESP=0149CC2C  EIP=00694F27  FLG=00000246
CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000
//=====================  INFOS =========================
Spacer II - 2.6 (mod), Parser Version: 50
User:  Właściciel,  CPUType: 586,  Mem: 2048 MB total, 2048 MB free
//====================== CALLSTACK ========================
001B:00694F27 (0x0062025E 0x00000111 0x00000431 0x001403A8) Spacer2.exe, ASSERTDlgProc()+3015 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_carsten\zWin32.cpp, line 3248
001B:7E368734 (0x00000000 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000000) USER32.dll, GetDC()+109 byte(s)

//===================== MODULES =======================

Module list: names, addresses, sizes, time stamps and file times:
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\Spacer2.exe, loaded at 0x00400000 - 12876500 bytes - 3fb47971 - file date is 2/6/2004 02:06:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\xpsp2res.dll, loaded at 0x02000000 - 2953216 bytes - 4802454c - file date is 4/13/2008 23:08:00
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\BugslayerUtil.dll, loaded at 0x03000000 - 32827 bytes - 37f8d416 - file date is 10/4/1999 17:22:48
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\vdfs32g.dll, loaded at 0x04000000 - 93696 bytes - 2a425e19 - file date is 1/22/2003 01:30:00
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\mss32.dll, loaded at 0x21100000 - 370688 bytes - 3e767330 - file date is 3/17/2003 17:15:30
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\binkw32.dll, loaded at 0x30000000 - 375808 bytes - 3e9e0f4d - file date is 4/16/2003 19:19:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINHTTP.dll, loaded at 0x4d530000 - 354816 bytes - 4a93acb1 - file date is 8/25/2009 10:19:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmime.dll, loaded at 0x5ad00000 - 181248 bytes - 48038e42 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll, loaded at 0x5b1d0000 - 219648 bytes - 480391e5 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEPRO32.DLL, loaded at 0x5f260000 - 84992 bytes - 480391b4 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:46
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\msdbi.dll, loaded at 0x63420000 - 102672 bytes - 37715ac8 - file date is 6/23/1999 16:08:10
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\snxhk.dll, loaded at 0x64d00000 - 199792 bytes - 4dc92987 - file date is 5/10/2011 13:10:56
C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll, loaded at 0x68000000 - 208384 bytes - 47dfd424 - file date is 4/13/2008 22:07:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\HID.DLL, loaded at 0x68df0000 - 20992 bytes - 48038ee9 - file date is 4/14/2008 22:09:56
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmusic.dll, loaded at 0x6cec0000 - 104448 bytes - 48038e48 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:28
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmsynth.dll, loaded at 0x6cee0000 - 103424 bytes - 48038e47 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:28
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmloader.dll, loaded at 0x6cf50000 - 35840 bytes - 48038e43 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmcompos.dll, loaded at 0x6d0e0000 - 61440 bytes - 48038e3f - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\netapi32.dll, loaded at 0x6ff40000 - 337408 bytes - 48f61c27 - file date is 10/15/2008 17:36:56
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\imagehl2.dll, loaded at 0x71460000 - 85264 bytes - 35da03d4 - file date is 8/18/1998 09:47:18
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2HELP.dll, loaded at 0x71a40000 - 19968 bytes - 48039238 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:51:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll, loaded at 0x71a50000 - 82432 bytes - 48039237 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:51:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WSOCK32.dll, loaded at 0x71a70000 - 24064 bytes - 48039244 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:51:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DINPUT.dll, loaded at 0x72230000 - 163328 bytes - 48038e39 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SensApi.dll, loaded at 0x72260000 - 7168 bytes - 480391b8 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msacm32.drv, loaded at 0x72ca0000 - 20992 bytes - 3bd98edb - file date is 3/2/2006 13:00:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wdmaud.drv, loaded at 0x72cb0000 - 23552 bytes - 480391f6 - file date is 4/14/2008 22:51:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINSPOOL.DRV, loaded at 0x72f90000 - 146432 bytes - 480391fb - file date is 4/14/2008 21:51:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DDRAW.dll, loaded at 0x736f0000 - 279552 bytes - 48038e26 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:22
C:\WINDOWS\system32\D3DIM700.DLL, loaded at 0x738d0000 - 824320 bytes - 48038e18 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:22
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DCIMAN32.dll, loaded at 0x73b50000 - 8704 bytes - 48038e25 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:22
C:\WINDOWS\system32\KsUser.dll, loaded at 0x73e70000 - 4096 bytes - 48038fe6 - file date is 4/14/2008 22:50:36
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DSOUND.dll, loaded at 0x73ea0000 - 367616 bytes - 48038e63 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:30
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll, loaded at 0x746d0000 - 297984 bytes - 4803905d - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:38
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msctfime.ime, loaded at 0x75180000 - 177152 bytes - 4803905e - file date is 4/14/2008 21:43:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.DLL, loaded at 0x76360000 - 110080 bytes - 48038f44 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:34
C:\WINDOWS\system32\comdlg32.dll, loaded at 0x76380000 - 280064 bytes - 48038de9 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:14
C:\WINDOWS\system32\cryptnet.dll, loaded at 0x765b0000 - 64512 bytes - 48038dfb - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:18
C:\WINDOWS\system32\userenv.dll, loaded at 0x769a0000 - 732672 bytes - 480391e3 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINMM.dll, loaded at 0x76b20000 - 178176 bytes - 48039206 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\PSAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x76be0000 - 23040 bytes - 480391a5 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINTRUST.dll, loaded at 0x76c20000 - 177664 bytes - 4b331295 - file date is 12/24/2009 08:04:54
C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMAGEHLP.dll, loaded at 0x76c80000 - 144384 bytes - 48038f35 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:34
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WLDAP32.dll, loaded at 0x76f50000 - 172544 bytes - 48039202 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\CLBCATQ.DLL, loaded at 0x76fc0000 - 498688 bytes - 48038dd9 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:12
C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMRes.dll, loaded at 0x77040000 - 822272 bytes - 48038dee - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:16
C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEAUT32.dll, loaded at 0x77110000 - 551936 bytes - 4d0f9318 - file date is 12/20/2010 18:32:08
C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\X86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.6028_x-ww_61e65202\COMCTL32.dll, loaded at 0x773c0000 - 1054208 bytes - 4c729e05 - file date is 8/23/2010 17:12:54
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll, loaded at 0x774d0000 - 1288192 bytes - 4eb01927 - file date is 11/1/2011 17:07:04
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SETUPAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x77910000 - 997888 bytes - 480391bc - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:48
C:\WINDOWS\system32\CRYPT32.dll, loaded at 0x77a70000 - 602624 bytes - 4e82c782 - file date is 9/28/2011 08:06:42
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSASN1.dll, loaded at 0x77b10000 - 58880 bytes - 4aa1811f - file date is 9/4/2009 22:05:36
C:\WINDOWS\system32\midimap.dll, loaded at 0x77bc0000 - 18944 bytes - 4803901d - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:36
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSACM32.dll, loaded at 0x77bd0000 - 71680 bytes - 48039048 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:38
C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll, loaded at 0x77bf0000 - 18944 bytes - 480391e6 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll, loaded at 0x77c00000 - 343040 bytes - 480390b9 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:40
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll, loaded at 0x77dc0000 - 686592 bytes - 49900b38 - file date is 2/9/2009 11:53:44
C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll, loaded at 0x77e70000 - 590848 bytes - 4c68fa95 - file date is 8/16/2010 09:45:10
C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll, loaded at 0x77f10000 - 286720 bytes - 49007141 - file date is 10/23/2008 13:42:42
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHLWAPI.dll, loaded at 0x77f60000 - 474112 bytes - 4b1e1b98 - file date is 12/8/2009 10:25:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\Secur32.dll, loaded at 0x77fe0000 - 56832 bytes - 4a43350a - file date is 6/25/2009 09:27:54
C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll, loaded at 0x7c800000 - 1018368 bytes - 49c4f4fb - file date is 3/21/2009 15:09:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll, loaded at 0x7c900000 - 726528 bytes - 4d00f28d - file date is 12/9/2010 16:15:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll, loaded at 0x7c9c0000 - 8491008 bytes - 4d399bbb - file date is 1/21/2011 15:44:12
C:\WINDOWS\system32\oledlg.dll, loaded at 0x7dfc0000 - 123392 bytes - 480391b2 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll, loaded at 0x7e360000 - 580096 bytes - 480391e2 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
//======================ASSERTION FAILED======================
//======================ASSERTION FAILED======================
Assertion failed: readSize<READ_BUFFER_SIZE in file P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_dieter\zArchiver2.cpp, Line: 1429
Reason: 0
EAX=00000000  EBX=0098814C  ECX=0000C50B  EDX=7C90E514  ESI=0925E4A1
EDI=009883C0  EBP=0149D968  ESP=0149D5E8  EIP=00695CBB  FLG=00010246
CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000
//=====================  INFOS =========================
Spacer II - 2.6 (mod), Parser Version: 50
User:  Właściciel,  CPUType: 586,  Mem: 2048 MB total, 2048 MB free
//====================== CALLSTACK ========================
001B:006AAA0F (0x0149FB44 0x008C6FA7 0x00000004 0x006AA654) Spacer2.exe, zCArchiverBinSafe::ReadHeader()+751 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_dieter\zArchiver2.cpp, line 1429+138 byte(s)
001B:006AA73F (0xB9E4B310 0xE2317008 0x00600002 0xB9E68640) Spacer2.exe, zCArchiverBinSafe::ReadHeader()+31 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_dieter\zArchiver2.cpp, line 1393+31 byte(s)

//===================== MODULES =======================

Module list: names, addresses, sizes, time stamps and file times:
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\Spacer2.exe, loaded at 0x00400000 - 12876500 bytes - 3fb47971 - file date is 2/6/2004 02:06:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\xpsp2res.dll, loaded at 0x02010000 - 2953216 bytes - 4802454c - file date is 4/13/2008 23:08:00
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\BugslayerUtil.dll, loaded at 0x03000000 - 32827 bytes - 37f8d416 - file date is 10/4/1999 17:22:48
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\vdfs32g.dll, loaded at 0x04000000 - 93696 bytes - 2a425e19 - file date is 1/22/2003 01:30:00
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\mss32.dll, loaded at 0x21100000 - 370688 bytes - 3e767330 - file date is 3/17/2003 17:15:30
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\binkw32.dll, loaded at 0x30000000 - 375808 bytes - 3e9e0f4d - file date is 4/16/2003 19:19:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINHTTP.dll, loaded at 0x4d530000 - 354816 bytes - 4a93acb1 - file date is 8/25/2009 10:19:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmime.dll, loaded at 0x5ad00000 - 181248 bytes - 48038e42 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll, loaded at 0x5b1d0000 - 219648 bytes - 480391e5 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEPRO32.DLL, loaded at 0x5f260000 - 84992 bytes - 480391b4 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:46
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\msdbi.dll, loaded at 0x63420000 - 102672 bytes - 37715ac8 - file date is 6/23/1999 16:08:10
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\snxhk.dll, loaded at 0x64d00000 - 199792 bytes - 4dc92987 - file date is 5/10/2011 13:10:56
C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll, loaded at 0x68000000 - 208384 bytes - 47dfd424 - file date is 4/13/2008 22:07:58
C:\WINDOWS\system32\HID.DLL, loaded at 0x68df0000 - 20992 bytes - 48038ee9 - file date is 4/14/2008 22:09:56
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmusic.dll, loaded at 0x6cec0000 - 104448 bytes - 48038e48 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:28
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmsynth.dll, loaded at 0x6cee0000 - 103424 bytes - 48038e47 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:28
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmloader.dll, loaded at 0x6cf50000 - 35840 bytes - 48038e43 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dmcompos.dll, loaded at 0x6d0e0000 - 61440 bytes - 48038e3f - file date is 4/14/2008 21:50:26
C:\WINDOWS\system32\netapi32.dll, loaded at 0x6ff40000 - 337408 bytes - 48f61c27 - file date is 10/15/2008 17:36:56
D:\Program Files\GryBajki\Gothic 2\System\imagehl2.dll, loaded at 0x71460000 - 85264 bytes - 35da03d4 - file date is 8/18/1998 09:47:18
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2HELP.dll, loaded at 0x71a40000 - 19968 bytes - 48039238 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:51:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll, loaded at 0x71a50000 - 82432 bytes - 48039237 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:51:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WSOCK32.dll, loaded at 0x71a70000 - 24064 bytes - 48039244 - file date is 4/14/2008 21:51:00
:ok: zachęca do dalszej pomocy. Nie zapominaj o tym!

Prywatne wiadomości typu "Ej, pomocy" kasuję od razu. Od tego jest forum, a nie PW.

To me, defeat in anything is merely temporary, and its punishment is but an urge for me to greater effort to achieve my goal. Defeat simply tells me that something is wrong in my doing; it is a path leading to success and truth.

In order to realize our true self we must be willing to live without being dependent upon the opinion of others.



RaveN Studio
Definitely not kaczka!
ProfesjaLvl designer
  • RaveN Studio
  • Definitely not kaczka!

RaveN Studio

Assertion Failed i Access Violation
#8 2011-12-16, 15:01(Ostatnia zmiana: 2011-12-16, 15:03)
o kurwa :pokerface:

Jak masz Assertion Failed i Access Violation to przy grzebaniu w skryptach, spacerze czy czym Ty tam grzebiesz (znowu perwersyjnie brzmi :lol2: ) wyłączaj antywirusa bo dużo błędów w spacerze jest też przez Avasta. Nie mam zielonego pojęcia dlaczego. U siebie miałem tak, że kiedy odpalałem spacera i wyskakiwał Access Violation to po prostu wyłączałem na jakiś czas Avasta i działało jak ta lala. Jeżeli to też nie pomoże to możesz pójść ew. do kościoła się pomodlić xD

Bogdan Zwei

Bogdan Zwei

Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
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  • Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
Haha, do kościoła się pomodlić. :D  A pomodlę! xD Ale z Avastem to mi raczej nic nie da, no ale sprawdzę. :)

Wyłączanie Avasta nic nie daje. Mogę nawet przesłać screena, jeśli mi nie wierzycie.
:ok: zachęca do dalszej pomocy. Nie zapominaj o tym!

Prywatne wiadomości typu "Ej, pomocy" kasuję od razu. Od tego jest forum, a nie PW.

To me, defeat in anything is merely temporary, and its punishment is but an urge for me to greater effort to achieve my goal. Defeat simply tells me that something is wrong in my doing; it is a path leading to success and truth.

In order to realize our true self we must be willing to live without being dependent upon the opinion of others.

Demonical Monk

Demonical Monk

  • Użytkownicy
Stos wywołań jakiś mocno przycięty.

001B:006AAA0F (0x0149FB44 0x008C6FA7 0x00000004 0x006AA654) Spacer2.exe, zCArchiverBinSafe::ReadHeader()+751 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_dieter\zArchiver2.cpp, line 1429+138 byte(s)
001B:006AA73F (0xB9E4B310 0xE2317008 0x00600002 0xB9E68640) Spacer2.exe, zCArchiverBinSafe::ReadHeader()+31 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_dieter\zArchiver2.cpp, line 1393+31 byte(s)
Archiwizator binarny wyjebał się w trakcie czytania nagłówka jakiegoś pliku. Maksymalny rozmiar jakiegoś bufora wynosi 8kB (8192 bajty). Silnik czyta jakiś zasób i stwierdza że jest nienaturalnie duży, więc się wywala z błędem krytycznym. Najprostszy wniosek - jakiś bardzo ważny plik został uszkodzony.

Nie ma takiej opcji żeby po reinstalacji ci coś nie działało. Wywal cały katalog z grą, ręcznie i na chama. Następnie zainstaluj grę w zupełnie innej lokalizacji, wszystko na spokojnie i korzystając z najnowszych modkitów, edytorów, etc.
Ponowna instalacja zanim poprawnie i dokładnie wszystko odinstalujemy tylko nadpisze niektóre pliki, nie zawsze i nie wszystko naprawi się poprzez instalowanie od nowa.

Bogdan Zwei

Bogdan Zwei

Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
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  • Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
Tyle, że ja reinstalowałem to z 5-10 razy (do innych katalogów też) i nic. Cały czas jedno a to samo.
:ok: zachęca do dalszej pomocy. Nie zapominaj o tym!

Prywatne wiadomości typu "Ej, pomocy" kasuję od razu. Od tego jest forum, a nie PW.

To me, defeat in anything is merely temporary, and its punishment is but an urge for me to greater effort to achieve my goal. Defeat simply tells me that something is wrong in my doing; it is a path leading to success and truth.

In order to realize our true self we must be willing to live without being dependent upon the opinion of others.



  • Użytkownicy
A rejestr wyczyściłeś?

Bogdan Zwei

Bogdan Zwei

Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
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  • Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
No raczej, bo kompa czyszczę co tydzień...
:ok: zachęca do dalszej pomocy. Nie zapominaj o tym!

Prywatne wiadomości typu "Ej, pomocy" kasuję od razu. Od tego jest forum, a nie PW.

To me, defeat in anything is merely temporary, and its punishment is but an urge for me to greater effort to achieve my goal. Defeat simply tells me that something is wrong in my doing; it is a path leading to success and truth.

In order to realize our true self we must be willing to live without being dependent upon the opinion of others.

Demonical Monk

Demonical Monk

  • Użytkownicy
Odpal z zSpy i podrzuć logi/screen z momentu kiedy się crashuje. Druga ale dość skrajna możliwość to to, że masz po prostu cholerny ekosystem na dysku i coś się nieumiejętnie wstrzykuje w proces i go wypieprza.

Bogdan Zwei

Bogdan Zwei

Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
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  • Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
Ale jak mam zrobić? Odpalić zSpy i spacera?
:ok: zachęca do dalszej pomocy. Nie zapominaj o tym!

Prywatne wiadomości typu "Ej, pomocy" kasuję od razu. Od tego jest forum, a nie PW.

To me, defeat in anything is merely temporary, and its punishment is but an urge for me to greater effort to achieve my goal. Defeat simply tells me that something is wrong in my doing; it is a path leading to success and truth.

In order to realize our true self we must be willing to live without being dependent upon the opinion of others.

Demonical Monk

Demonical Monk

  • Użytkownicy
No raczej to, skoro chodzenie na spotkanie sekty nie pomaga.

Bogdan Zwei

Bogdan Zwei

Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
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  • Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
Hehe. Jak włączam zSpy to mi się WSZYSTKO zawiesza...

EDIT: Spróbowałem drugi raz i Assertion Failed + Access Violation.
:ok: zachęca do dalszej pomocy. Nie zapominaj o tym!

Prywatne wiadomości typu "Ej, pomocy" kasuję od razu. Od tego jest forum, a nie PW.

To me, defeat in anything is merely temporary, and its punishment is but an urge for me to greater effort to achieve my goal. Defeat simply tells me that something is wrong in my doing; it is a path leading to success and truth.

In order to realize our true self we must be willing to live without being dependent upon the opinion of others.

Demonical Monk

Demonical Monk

  • Użytkownicy
Zlikwiduj burdel w systemie, zgaduję że siedzisz radośnie na Windowsie XP cały czas na koncie *ADMINISTRATORA*, odpalasz każdy program jaki się nadarzy z najwyższymi prawami w systemie i uważasz, że jakiś śmieszny avast cię uratuje.

Zrobiłeś sobie piękny ekosystem na dysku, gratuluję. Pozostaje ci skanowanie na wyłączonym systemie przez rescue disk. Polecam darmowy od Kasperskiego ( ) lub reinstall systemu.

Bogdan Zwei

Bogdan Zwei

Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
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  • Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
1. System miałem reinstalowany.
2. Ja mam tylko konto Admina i nie włączam 100 rzeczy na raz.
3. Przestań się wkurzać, bo to się robi nudne. Wszyscy se myślą, że jak napiszą "kurwa" to są ""cool""?
:ok: zachęca do dalszej pomocy. Nie zapominaj o tym!

Prywatne wiadomości typu "Ej, pomocy" kasuję od razu. Od tego jest forum, a nie PW.

To me, defeat in anything is merely temporary, and its punishment is but an urge for me to greater effort to achieve my goal. Defeat simply tells me that something is wrong in my doing; it is a path leading to success and truth.

In order to realize our true self we must be willing to live without being dependent upon the opinion of others.

Demonical Monk

Demonical Monk

  • Użytkownicy
To zacytuj gdzie użyłem "kurwa". To że nie włączasz 100 rzeczy na raz nie ma nic do tematu, to że siedzisz cały czas na koncie admina to czysty debilizm. Kiedy miałeś system reinstalowany? Puść porządne skanowanie czymś porządnym, na tyle na ile jest teraz dostępnych informacji wszystko wygląda tak jakby jakiś malware psuł robotę. Dla pewności: czysty Gothic bez żadnych modkitów i spacerów działa?

Bogdan Zwei

Bogdan Zwei

Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
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  • Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
Nie działa. A tak nawiasem, jeśli masz dalej tak się wkurzać to lepiej tu nie pisz. Nie mam zamiaru robić specjalnie nowego konta, żeby tylko na adminie nie siedzieć. Pół roku temu też byłem na Adminie i nic się złego nie działo.
:ok: zachęca do dalszej pomocy. Nie zapominaj o tym!

Prywatne wiadomości typu "Ej, pomocy" kasuję od razu. Od tego jest forum, a nie PW.

To me, defeat in anything is merely temporary, and its punishment is but an urge for me to greater effort to achieve my goal. Defeat simply tells me that something is wrong in my doing; it is a path leading to success and truth.

In order to realize our true self we must be willing to live without being dependent upon the opinion of others.

Demonical Monk

Demonical Monk

  • Użytkownicy
No teraz to już po ptokach. Każdemu znajomemu też dajesz dostęp do swojego domu i portfela? Nic się nie działo, albo tego nie zauważałeś. Po drodze czymś się zainfekowałeś/coś cię zainfekowało - możliwości jest mnóstwo: remote exploit, zabawki przenoszone przez pendrive'y, klasyczny trojan podpięty pod jakąś zupełnie niewinną instalkę albo 0-day w przeglądarce, który niepostrzeżenie cię załatwił. W 80% do infekcji nie doszłoby, gdyby geniusze nie odpalali wszystkiego z admina.

Masz rozjechany system, innego rozwiązania nie widzę. Chyba że reinstalujesz programy tak sprawnie jak zgłębiasz tajniki języka angielskiego - wtedy nie mam więcej pytań.

Demonical Monk

Demonical Monk

  • Użytkownicy
To teraz wyjaśnij mi co ma post naprowadzający na rozwiązanie związanego ze spamem, czyli seryjnym wysyłaniem niechcianych wiadomości? Podałem ci link do drugi raz, tutorial dotyczy uruchamiania darmowej wersji dysku ratunkowego Kaspersky'iego z USB. Jednej z pewniejszych metod, które umożliwiają dokładne przeskanowanie systemu (bo zbyt wiele syfu się przed tym nie ukryje).

W czym masz problem? Czekam na wyjaśnienie.

Bogdan Zwei

Bogdan Zwei

Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
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  • Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
Koleś, naucz się czytać, bo pisałem, że czyszczę kompa co tydzień, a ty dalej spam posyłasz.

Widać, co piszę?
:ok: zachęca do dalszej pomocy. Nie zapominaj o tym!

Prywatne wiadomości typu "Ej, pomocy" kasuję od razu. Od tego jest forum, a nie PW.

To me, defeat in anything is merely temporary, and its punishment is but an urge for me to greater effort to achieve my goal. Defeat simply tells me that something is wrong in my doing; it is a path leading to success and truth.

In order to realize our true self we must be willing to live without being dependent upon the opinion of others.

Demonical Monk

Demonical Monk

  • Użytkownicy
W jaki sposób czyścisz? Mopem po monitorze jeździsz? Zrób łaskawie to co powiedziałem, niektórych wirusów nie da się/bardzo ciężko wykryć używając standardowych sposobów, a ten na takiego wygląda (zakładając że to faktycznie wirus, ufam że poprawnie reinstalujesz grę i problem faktycznie nadal występuje).

Bogdan Zwei

Bogdan Zwei

Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
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  • Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
oO , to odkurzacz, Avast, Windows Defender i CCleaner to mop? Hahaha, jak nie wiesz to nie spamuj i przestań zaśmiecać ten temat, bo to nie jest temat Jak czyścić komputer.

:ok: zachęca do dalszej pomocy. Nie zapominaj o tym!

Prywatne wiadomości typu "Ej, pomocy" kasuję od razu. Od tego jest forum, a nie PW.

To me, defeat in anything is merely temporary, and its punishment is but an urge for me to greater effort to achieve my goal. Defeat simply tells me that something is wrong in my doing; it is a path leading to success and truth.

In order to realize our true self we must be willing to live without being dependent upon the opinion of others.



Szara eminencja
  • Administrator
  • Szara eminencja
Wykonaj czysty boot:

Na moje oko, to antywirus ci blokuje. Czy pamiętasz, jakie modyfikowałeś pliki gry, zanim Spacer przestał działać?

Demonical Monk, naprawdę, odpuść sobie pisanie w tym temacie. Kolega, jak widać, nie oczekuje odpowiedzi od ciebie.

Bogdan Zwei

Bogdan Zwei

Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
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  • Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
Ostatni plik... Ohh... Dialogi Wrzoda, po czym mi Gothic nie chciał odpalić więc powiedziałem Ah, zrobię to kiedy będę bardziej doświadczony. Potem, jak Gothic znowu działał (przy temu musiałem go reinstalnąć) odpaliłem spacera, żeby skompilować skrypty ponownie. Patrzę i mówię CO TO, KURWA, JEST?!?! Assertion Failed, a pot tym Access Violation. ;/

I chyba coś jeszcze robiłem wtedy, ale nie mogę sobie przypomnieć. ;/

A o msconfig wiem.
:ok: zachęca do dalszej pomocy. Nie zapominaj o tym!

Prywatne wiadomości typu "Ej, pomocy" kasuję od razu. Od tego jest forum, a nie PW.

To me, defeat in anything is merely temporary, and its punishment is but an urge for me to greater effort to achieve my goal. Defeat simply tells me that something is wrong in my doing; it is a path leading to success and truth.

In order to realize our true self we must be willing to live without being dependent upon the opinion of others.

Demonical Monk

Demonical Monk

  • Użytkownicy
Demonical Monk, naprawdę, odpuść sobie pisanie w tym temacie. Kolega, jak widać, nie oczekuje odpowiedzi od ciebie.
Skoro burak nie potrafi przeczytać artykułu po angielsku, wypisać czego używa i przyjąć do wiadomości że świat nie kończy się na jego zajebistym avaście, który nigdy się z Gothic#msg1014072kiem specjalnie nie lubił to ja się z nim dalej katować nie zamierzam. Przynajmniej się dowiedziałem że na podstawie analizy asercji da się dowiedzieć że oglądam Little Pony ;d

Ze szklanej kuli nikt nie wywróży, co bym nie pisał i tak pierdolnie tekstem o spamowaniu - na trolla i cholerne dziecko neo nic nie zdziałasz.



RaveN Studio
Definitely not kaczka!
ProfesjaLvl designer
  • RaveN Studio
  • Definitely not kaczka!
Jeżeli ktoś dodaje kurwa do swojej wypowiedzi to w 90% przypadków(tu na forum) tylko dlatego, żeby tacy jak Ty zrozumieli co MUSZĄ zrobić, żeby cokolwiek działało. Proponuje zrobić jednak tego formata wcześniej jednak zapisując sobie gdzieś skrypty czy zeny przerobione przez Ciebie i po formacie od nowa zainstalować Gothic II NK, nadpisać stare pliki Twoimi i pracować dalej. Jeżeli po tym wszystkim nadal będziesz zasypywany błędami z systemu to na 99% masz coś najebane w swoich skryptach/zenach.

Bogdan Zwei

Bogdan Zwei

Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
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  • Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
To chyba ta druga opcja, ale formatowałem itp. system 3 razy.
:ok: zachęca do dalszej pomocy. Nie zapominaj o tym!

Prywatne wiadomości typu "Ej, pomocy" kasuję od razu. Od tego jest forum, a nie PW.

To me, defeat in anything is merely temporary, and its punishment is but an urge for me to greater effort to achieve my goal. Defeat simply tells me that something is wrong in my doing; it is a path leading to success and truth.

In order to realize our true self we must be willing to live without being dependent upon the opinion of others.



torsonic polarity syndrome
  • Administrator
  • torsonic polarity syndrome
A może go przeskanujesz innym antywirusem?
Mit der Dummheit kämpfen die Götter selbst vergebens

steam | slavic castles | | | Stary, najlepszy lider Sclavinii

Demonical Monk

Demonical Monk

  • Użytkownicy
To chyba ta druga opcja, ale formatowałem itp. system 3 razy.
Formatowałeś system trzy razy po tym jak Gothic przestał działać?

A może go przeskanujesz innym antywirusem?
To mu właśnie polecałem ładną stronę temu. Na pewnych warunkach można wykorzystać najnowszego Kasperskiego za darmo.

oO , to odkurzacz, Avast, Windows Defender i CCleaner to mop? Hahaha, jak nie wiesz to nie spamuj
Tak, te wasze zabawki gówno dają, bardzo często natomiast potrafią coś spierdolić. Już pomijam fakt że profity z czyszczenia rejestru i innych rytuałów to jeden wielki mit.



torsonic polarity syndrome
  • Administrator
  • torsonic polarity syndrome
To mu właśnie polecałem ładną stronę temu. Na pewnych warunkach można wykorzystać najnowszego Kasperskiego za darmo

Ech... Zauważyłem że on na twoje posty reaguje agresją i komentuje je nie patrząc na ich treść więc miałem nadzieje że z mojego posta wyciągnie jakieś wnioski mimo że chodzi o to samo co w twoim poprzednim.

Mit der Dummheit kämpfen die Götter selbst vergebens

steam | slavic castles | | | Stary, najlepszy lider Sclavinii



  • Użytkownicy
Mnie to trochę dziwi. Po tym - jak mu gothic przestał działać reinstalował go PIĘTNAŚCIE czy tam ile razy, także po tym formatował aż TRZY razy... Naucz się twórco tematu, jak się poprawnie odinstalowywuję gry, nie tylko - puszczasz odinstalator, pyk myk, twoje skrypty i TE BŁĘDY zostają ci w folderze, może i instalujesz Gothica w innym folderze, ale zapewne przenosisz też poprzednie skrypty. Na moje oko to mi tutaj też śmierdzi Avastem, miałem wiele błędów z tymże Antyvirusem, pamiętam nawet, jak miałem raz Assertion Failed, ale to było dawno temu i pozbyłem się wtedy tego błędu...

Ale tam, gdzie stanął Adanos, ani Innos, ani Beliar nie mieli żadnej władzy. W miejscu tym ład i chaos współistniały w harmonii. Tak oto powstało morze.

Zapomnij... o wszystkim, co się działo w przeszłości.

Bogdan Zwei

Bogdan Zwei

Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
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  • Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
To powiedz mi, czemu jak instalowałem gothic z SAMYM g2mdk i nie wrzucałem moich skryptów i nie miałem Avasta, to też było coś takiego. Wytłumaczysz?
:ok: zachęca do dalszej pomocy. Nie zapominaj o tym!

Prywatne wiadomości typu "Ej, pomocy" kasuję od razu. Od tego jest forum, a nie PW.

To me, defeat in anything is merely temporary, and its punishment is but an urge for me to greater effort to achieve my goal. Defeat simply tells me that something is wrong in my doing; it is a path leading to success and truth.

In order to realize our true self we must be willing to live without being dependent upon the opinion of others.

Demonical Monk

Demonical Monk

  • Użytkownicy
To powiedz mi, czemu jak instalowałem gothic z SAMYM g2mdk i nie wrzucałem moich skryptów i nie miałem Avasta, to też było coś takiego. Wytłumaczysz?

Ostatni raz powtórzę, bo aż mi ciebie szkoda: Bo masz zainfekowany system?



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Po prostu ci to powiem - coś spieprzyłeś; coś masz z systemem; lub nie umiesz instalować/reinstalować/odinstalować.

EDIT: Pierwszy raz się zgadzam z Demonical Monk'iem. :)

EDIT2: Ale masz niezły Paradoks, może to przez to ?! - Odkurzacz, Avast i jeszcze kilka antyvirusów powoduje niezły bałagan i cięcie systemu... powinieneś to odwrócić jak najszybciej. Ja jak miałem zainstalowane trzy antyvirusy kiedyś naraz, gdy komputer mi się uruchomił - natychmiast się zacinał i trzeba było przeinstalować Windows ...

@down -> xD
Ale tam, gdzie stanął Adanos, ani Innos, ani Beliar nie mieli żadnej władzy. W miejscu tym ład i chaos współistniały w harmonii. Tak oto powstało morze.

Zapomnij... o wszystkim, co się działo w przeszłości.

Bogdan Zwei

Bogdan Zwei

Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
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  • Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
Chciałbym odświeżyć, ale nie piszcie takich komentarzy jak: Kup nowego kompa. / Masz burdel w kompie.
Tylko powiedzcie, co by mogło "przeszkadzać" spacerowi, tzn., pomóżcie mi, pomyślcie, co by mogło być nie tak. ;/
:ok: zachęca do dalszej pomocy. Nie zapominaj o tym!

Prywatne wiadomości typu "Ej, pomocy" kasuję od razu. Od tego jest forum, a nie PW.

To me, defeat in anything is merely temporary, and its punishment is but an urge for me to greater effort to achieve my goal. Defeat simply tells me that something is wrong in my doing; it is a path leading to success and truth.

In order to realize our true self we must be willing to live without being dependent upon the opinion of others.

Bogdan Zwei

Bogdan Zwei

Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
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  • Wulgarny skurwiel pierdolony.
Zaczęło się na Wrzodzie i jego dialogach, skończyło się na Assertion failed, ale jednak nie. Gothic już mi nie działa. Temat można zamknąć.
:ok: zachęca do dalszej pomocy. Nie zapominaj o tym!

Prywatne wiadomości typu "Ej, pomocy" kasuję od razu. Od tego jest forum, a nie PW.

To me, defeat in anything is merely temporary, and its punishment is but an urge for me to greater effort to achieve my goal. Defeat simply tells me that something is wrong in my doing; it is a path leading to success and truth.

In order to realize our true self we must be willing to live without being dependent upon the opinion of others.

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