Narzędzia / [Tool] Diakreion: Scripting Tool - release
« dnia: 2019-06-23, 00:14 »
I issued version 5.9.1. Archaikum
[New in v5.9.1, Archaikum] - Jun 21, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas
- 1) Design changes.
- 2) Hint panel upgraded to colorful and clickable.
- 3) The top of Dialog panel can be hidden.
- 4) Environment form improved.
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.
[New in v5.8.0, Hadaikum] - Jun 13, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas
- 1) Three types of distribution of Diakreion: Basic, Standard and Enterprise.
= (Basic version: just the main program, Diakreion music program, basic files.
Standard version: similar to the distribution of older Diakreions.
Enterprise version: Diakreion with all plugins, library and everything about.
You can choose whatever version you need. The main program is in all three
versions the same.)
- 2) Encoding Tool can take also files.
= (You can choose or drop one file or a folder on encoding tool and
let it be converted.)
- 3) Gothic/Spacer button improved.
- 4) Hint window improved.
- 5) Images on some panels/forms can be turned invisible.
- 6) Environment panel improved.
= (New posibility using memory to bring the color of a colorbox to another colorbox.
There are two buttons by each colorbox. The upper takes the color to memory,
the lower takes color from the memory. There is on the right bottom memory
colorbox, so one can see what is right now in the memory.)
- 7) Design changes.
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.
[New in v5.7.0, Prekambrium] - Jun 6, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas
- 1) Music and sounds panel improved.
= (I added the possibility to switch between randomly played and played in a row.)
- 2) Files can be generated directly info Gothic folders.
- 3) Possibility of various themes.
= (You can switch between theme files.)
- 4) You can drop folder on Encoding Tool form instead of browsing.
- 5) Encoding tool improved.
- 6) Design changes.
= (The entire Diakreion is now in theme mode.)
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.
[New in v5.6.4, Ultraterra] - Jun 1, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas
- 1) Music and sounds panel improved.
= (You can gather folders of music files (WAVs and MP3s are supported) into folder
'Diakreion\snd\amb' for ambient musics or 'Diakreion\snd\mus' for background music.
In fact you can create here whatever folders you want. All files will be used
- 2) Design changes.
= (I converted lot of things into theme colors. Unfortunately there are things
which cannot be changed without too deep changes, so they stayed as they are.)
- 3) Fullscreen on one click.
= (By clicking in main menu or using Ctrl+F1 you switch on or off fullscreen.
It is not full fullscreen. Without too much effort I cannot hide main menu
unfortunately. The same click returns the panels and toolbars back into
standard configuration.)
- 4) Encoding conversion tool.
= (By specifying folder, encoding, direction and file type it is possible to
convert all files in such folder and all its subfolders. System files and
hidden files are skipped.)
- 5) Links to external programs.
= (You can set links to some external programs and start them from PROG popup menu.
You can pick any two and exchange them. Ale zou can make lines between linkers.)
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.
[New in v5.5.2, Magicus] - May 24, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas
- 1) Compiled with Lazarus 2.0.2, FPC 3.0.4.
- 2) New theme configurations.
- 3) New design.
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.
[New in v5.4.1, Nordavind] - May 18, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas
- 1) Button Gothic changes caption to Spacer if Spacer to be started.
- 2) Last version compiled with Lazarus v1.1.99, FPC 2.6.2.
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.
[New in v5.3.0, Ebee] - Jun 17, 2017 A.D. - Aeternitas
- 1) Code arranger.
= (There is a possibility to arrange code of entire file or selection. If it is
entire file, the program adds spaces before first line according to code
level. Right click on mouse and Specialities.)
- 2) Texture Converter update.
= (Now you can convert already loaded files, too.)
- 3) Check of the editor font on start.
= (If not present, standard font offered for installation.)
- 4) OU Im/Exporter coding fixed and improved.
- 5) Bug fixes.
and more.

[New in v5.9.1, Archaikum] - Jun 21, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas
- 1) Design changes.
- 2) Hint panel upgraded to colorful and clickable.
- 3) The top of Dialog panel can be hidden.
- 4) Environment form improved.
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.
[New in v5.8.0, Hadaikum] - Jun 13, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas
- 1) Three types of distribution of Diakreion: Basic, Standard and Enterprise.
= (Basic version: just the main program, Diakreion music program, basic files.
Standard version: similar to the distribution of older Diakreions.
Enterprise version: Diakreion with all plugins, library and everything about.
You can choose whatever version you need. The main program is in all three
versions the same.)
- 2) Encoding Tool can take also files.
= (You can choose or drop one file or a folder on encoding tool and
let it be converted.)
- 3) Gothic/Spacer button improved.
- 4) Hint window improved.
- 5) Images on some panels/forms can be turned invisible.
- 6) Environment panel improved.
= (New posibility using memory to bring the color of a colorbox to another colorbox.
There are two buttons by each colorbox. The upper takes the color to memory,
the lower takes color from the memory. There is on the right bottom memory
colorbox, so one can see what is right now in the memory.)
- 7) Design changes.
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.
[New in v5.7.0, Prekambrium] - Jun 6, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas
- 1) Music and sounds panel improved.
= (I added the possibility to switch between randomly played and played in a row.)
- 2) Files can be generated directly info Gothic folders.
- 3) Possibility of various themes.
= (You can switch between theme files.)
- 4) You can drop folder on Encoding Tool form instead of browsing.
- 5) Encoding tool improved.
- 6) Design changes.
= (The entire Diakreion is now in theme mode.)
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.
[New in v5.6.4, Ultraterra] - Jun 1, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas
- 1) Music and sounds panel improved.
= (You can gather folders of music files (WAVs and MP3s are supported) into folder
'Diakreion\snd\amb' for ambient musics or 'Diakreion\snd\mus' for background music.
In fact you can create here whatever folders you want. All files will be used
- 2) Design changes.
= (I converted lot of things into theme colors. Unfortunately there are things
which cannot be changed without too deep changes, so they stayed as they are.)
- 3) Fullscreen on one click.
= (By clicking in main menu or using Ctrl+F1 you switch on or off fullscreen.
It is not full fullscreen. Without too much effort I cannot hide main menu
unfortunately. The same click returns the panels and toolbars back into
standard configuration.)
- 4) Encoding conversion tool.
= (By specifying folder, encoding, direction and file type it is possible to
convert all files in such folder and all its subfolders. System files and
hidden files are skipped.)
- 5) Links to external programs.
= (You can set links to some external programs and start them from PROG popup menu.
You can pick any two and exchange them. Ale zou can make lines between linkers.)
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.
[New in v5.5.2, Magicus] - May 24, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas
- 1) Compiled with Lazarus 2.0.2, FPC 3.0.4.
- 2) New theme configurations.
- 3) New design.
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.
[New in v5.4.1, Nordavind] - May 18, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas
- 1) Button Gothic changes caption to Spacer if Spacer to be started.
- 2) Last version compiled with Lazarus v1.1.99, FPC 2.6.2.
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.
[New in v5.3.0, Ebee] - Jun 17, 2017 A.D. - Aeternitas
- 1) Code arranger.
= (There is a possibility to arrange code of entire file or selection. If it is
entire file, the program adds spaces before first line according to code
level. Right click on mouse and Specialities.)
- 2) Texture Converter update.
= (Now you can convert already loaded files, too.)
- 3) Check of the editor font on start.
= (If not present, standard font offered for installation.)
- 4) OU Im/Exporter coding fixed and improved.
- 5) Bug fixes.
and more.